Chapter 10: Independent Serena

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Serena woke up, particularly earlier that morning.

She walked out of the hotel, the girl looked a bit... sad.

"Might as well get something to eat.... Maybe it might get my mind off Ash" Serena thought to herself.

Serena walked to the local supermarket, she looked around and eventually settled on a tiny bag of Galarian Jellies.

"Damn it," Serena thought to herself, "I don't have that much..."

The price of the Jellies was 3$ meanwhile Serena only brought 2$.

"Well, I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I just....." Serena slid the jellies into a pocket on her skirt and walked out of the store.

As Serena walked out, she recognised two familiar voices.

"I don't know Shauna, Serena seems... a bit off," Ash exclaimed.

"Well, I mean, maybe you should treat her to something! What is something that Serena likes..." Shauna paused and thought for a moment.

The two both stood in very awkward silence.

"Well, maybe we could get her like ice cream or something?" Ash stated, "Isn't that what kids these days do to cheer themselves up?"

"That could work! I heard there's a good ice cream shop back in Lumoise... and she's going there for her next badge anyways!" Shauna said to Ash.

Serena walked up to Ash.

"Hey, Ash and hey... Shauna" Serena said.

"Hey Serena, where have you been?" Ash asked, concerned about the girl.

"I just woke up early... just to go to the shop," Serena said as she pulled the bag of jellies out of her skirt pocket and ate one of them.

Serena looked up at the two.

"So, what are we doing now?" Serena said.

"We're going to all head back to Lumoise," Ash said, "Your next gym badge is there... Clemont the Lumoise gym leader? You know him?"

Serena looked at Ash confused.

"N...o?" Serena replied. "I barely know any of the gym leaders' names, I just saw them on TV when I was young..."

"Well, I used to travel with him! He's a great battler!" Ash said to Serena.

Shauna stood there awkwardly.

"So, shall we go?" Shauna asked the two.

"Yeah, sure! Why not!" Ash said.

Back in Ash's apartment in Lumoise

"God that took... a lot more time than I thought.." Ash said.

Serena and Shauna sighed.

"Well, where am I sleeping Ash?" Serena asked, there were now 3 of them; which made the equation of who sleeps where a lot more complicated.

"Well, you can sleep on the floor" Ash exclaimed.

"But Ash-"

"Cmon Serena no buts, me and Shauna are dating now! We have to sleep in the same bed and bedroom!" Ash said to Serena.

"Fine..." Serena replied.

Shauna and Ash wandered into Ash's bedroom, while Serena lay on a dirty mattress on the floor.

"He couldn't get any better of a mattress?" Serena thought to herself, "A Tepig wouldn't sleep on this..."

Serena thought to herself.

"This journey has been super amazing..." Serena thought "I wish Ash wasn't so caught up with Shauna... But I guess they're the perfect couple after all"

Serena sighed and turned over to sleep


Ash and Shauna laid in bed together, Ash had his arm around Shauna.

"Wow... What a day it's been..." Ash said to Shauna.

"Yeah..." Shauna said as she played her fingers a bit up Ash's chest.

"Hehe, you're trying to get me to have sex with you?" Ash said as he cuddled her tightly.

"Well... Maybe, just a bit..." Shauna said as she took her PJ top off revealing her bra.

Ash blushed, "Wow.. Wow... Those are-"

"Big?" Shauna said finishing his sentence "I get that all the time"

"You do?" Ash replied excitedly about what was about to come.

"I.. Do..." Shauna said.

Ash smiled.

"This is going to be good..."

The next day

Serena woke up early, She wanted to train early with her Pokemon, she looked up some videos online on Ash's computer when Ash was asleep, and she was ready for some new training techniques.

"Braixen! Go!" Serena said as she flung Braixen out of it's pokeball.

"Braixen! Braixen!" Braixen said as it got out of its Pokeball.

Serena had looked up Braixens moves the night before..

"Braixen, today I'm going to teach you how to use the movie psychic!" Serena said to her starter Pokemon.

"Braixen!" Braixen said.

Serena grabbed a cone and put it in front of Braixen.

"Now just focus on moving the cone..."

Braixen kept focusing on trying to move the cone, it didn't work at first; but eventually, Braixen managed to move the cone next to its feet.

"Wow! That worked! It worked!" Serena said.

She heard someone clapping from behind her.

"Good job Serena, you even did it without me!" Ash said to Serena.

"Yeah, I did!" Serena said, proud of her achievement.

"Maybe we should head to the next gym?" Ash asked.

"Sure!" Serena replied.

To be continued

(Hey guys, I haven't written in almost 8 months so the reason why this chapter is short and a bit poor in terms of writing is that I just need to ease myself back into it, don't worry, this is just a once-off thing, anyway love y'all and yes I'm back bois)

Amourshipping:The Girl By The Lamp Post. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ