Chapter 7: The third gym battle

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"We have to chase after him!"

Serena couldn't stop replaying the events of the past week. She put her best friend into danger and he had to pay the price of her mistake.
Serena sighed, and got up out of bed. She didn't like waking up early, but she needed a walk to get Calem out of her mind.

As she walked down the empty streets of Shalour City, she began to break down.

She refused to forgive herself, instead berating herself with insults for getting Calem almost killed.

Serena sat down on the beach, but she had a special guest who followed her.

"Mind if I sit down?" Ash asked.
Serena remained silent.

"You want some beer?" Ash asked the girl.

She took a can out of the packet, and stared at the sun rising in the distance.

"Be careful drinking that, it's Fireball, can burn your throat if you don't drink it properly." Ash said.
Serena didn't say a word.

"I know how much Calem meant to you Serena, but you need to accept the fact that it wasn't your fault you weren't the one who was shot." Ash said to the girl.

Serena remained completely silent.
"Serena, it wasn't your fault. Hell, even Calem agrees with me! I visited him on Wednesday, and even he said it isn't your fault! Now, come on and cheer up, you have a Gym battle tomorrow and you need to be on your very best to win it!" Ash said to the girl.

"I guess you're right." Serena replied, but deep down, she couldn't forgive herself. Everything Calem had done for her, and this is how she repaid him?

"Yeah, that's the spirit!" Ash said to the girl, "You're gonna ace that Gym battle tomorrow, I know it!"
Serena looked up at Ash, who was standing in front of her with a smile on his face.

Serena wondered how Ash could appear so positive but one minute later be the most depressed man in the world.

"Come on, it's late. Let's head back to the hotel and get some sleep before your big match tomorrow!" Ash said.

Reluctantly, Serena got up from the shore of the beach, took one last swig of the beer, and headed back to the hotel.
It was 9:30 in the morning, and Serena was up and figuring out a plan to beat Korrina's Fighting-types.

"Ash, what Pokemon should I use?" Serena asked.

"You caught a Fletchinder right? Use that." Ash replied.

"But what about the 2nd Pokemon?" Serena asked.

"It'll be a 1 on 1 battle, so don't worry about a second Pokemon." Ash said to the girl.

"What Pokemon will Korrina use?" Serena asked, trying to get details about the Gym.

"Most likely a Lucario, which is double weak to Fletchinder because it's Fighting/Steel while Flechinder is Fire/Flying. But it's really well trained, so be careful." Ash replied.

"Alright, I think I'm ready!" Serena said in a bubbly tone.

"If you're ready, then let's just get this over with." Ash said.

"Alright, let's do this!" Serena said.
Serena and Ash arrived at the Gym. They were greeted by Korrina, the Shalour City Gym leader.

"Damn, she looks cute." Ash thought to himself. He was the definition of a simp.

"Alright, so are we ready to battle?" Korrina asked Serena.

"Ready!" Serena replied.

"Okay Lucario, I choose you! Korrina said.

"Fletchinder, I choose you!" Serena said.

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