Chapter 2:The date

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"Why did I let you style my hair?"

It was 6.30 PM on a wintry Friday night. Ash was getting ready for his date with Shauna, and he had a special assistant helping him.

"Come on, I think it looks really cute! Shauna will love it!" Serena insisted.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Ash asked Serena. He seemed nervous to get back into dating after what happened with Dawn.

"Trust me Ash, it's a great idea! Shauna is the perfect match for you!" Serena told Ash.

"Serena, you have known me only for a week. How do you know who my perfect match is?" Ash asked.

"Well I-uh..." Serena hesitated to reply to his question.

Ash sighed. He was thinking about cancelling the date at the last second, but Serena would be really pissed off at him.

"Take this. Just in case you get in trouble." Ash handed her a Pokeball.

"What is this?" Serena asked Ash.

"It's a Pokeball. It has the Pokemon Fennekin inside it. Use it in case you get in trouble." Ash replied.

"It's a Fennekin? That's so cool, I've always wanted a Fennekin!" Serena replied, happy to get her first Pokemon.

"Your dinner is in the fridge. Now, I have to go pick up Shauna. Be safe, and don't get into trouble, okay?" Ash told Serena.

"Don't worry, I won't!" Serena replied.

Ash walked out into the cold wintry night.

As he walked down the streets to Shauna's apartment, he noticed that Lumiose City was a lot quieter than usual. While it was still quite busy, it was not as busy as you would expect from the largest city in the world.

As he approached the apartment, he realised what a run-down place Shauna's residence was in. It was down a dark alleyway, with loads of shady people dealing alcohol and drugs.

He finally got to Shauna's apartment and knocked on the door. Out came a tall girl with long brown hair, wearing a beautiful purple dress.

"Hey, so you must be Ash. Serena told me all about you!" Shauna exclaimed.

"She told me all about you too!" Ash lied. All that Serena told him about Shauna was the fact that she was interested in Pokemon.

"Well then. Shall we?" Shauna said as she approached Ash, taking his hand.

Reluctantly, Ash started walking with Shauna by his side. As they walked down the streets of Lumiose City, they talked about Pokemon and their history.

Eventually, they got to a restaurant. They both sat down and ordered some food. Meanwhile, they talked some more.

"In ancient times, there was a Pokemon that caused great destruction across Kalos. Through my research, I've discovered that the legendary Pokemon was named Yveltal and that it was eventually stopped by someone." Said Shauna.

"Really? Who was that?" Ash asked.

"I don't know who or what stopped it just yet, but what I do know is the fact that whatever that thing was, it rests somewhere in the Kalos region, ready to be awakened again." Shauna replied.

It was obvious that she spent a lot of her time doing research on Pokemon and the history of the Kalos region.

"An ancient Pokemon resting somewhere in Kalos? Come on Shauna, Kalos is the safest region in the world! There is no way any sort of ancient Pokemon of that power would even exist here!" Ash replied.

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