Chapter 3: The training session

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"Wake up, Ash!"

"Ash, wake up!"

Ash snapped out of his sleep and sat up straight in the bed.

"Where am I?" Ash asked.

"You're in my house. You got really drunk at the bar last night and passed out. I couldn't just leave you there.'' It seemed to be Brock's voice.

"You came in ranting about how this girl was being a pain in the ass. Care to explain?" Brock asked Ash.

"Well, I don't want to now, my head really hurts." Ash replied.

"Never been hungover before, huh? Your head will hurt for a day or two." Brock told Ash.

"About the girl thing..." Ash said, sighing.

He proceeded to tell Brock about the date and what happened before he got to the bar, and about the argument that he had with Serena.

"It wasn't my fault! She kept on invading my privacy. I had to tell her to stop!" Ash told Brock. The man nodded.

"What did you say her name was again?" Brock asked Ash

"Serena," Ash replied.

"Serena, that's a pretty name... I wonder how she looks..." said Brock.

"Uh, Brock she's only nineteen." Ash replied.

"Wait, what? Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know that!" Brock told Ash.

"Nah, it's okay." Ash replied.

"Anyways what is a nineteen-year-old girl doing near you?" Brock asked.

"Well I, uh... it's complicated" Ash said.

He proceeded to tell Brock about how he met Serena. Brock listened intently and took in what Ash said to him.

"And I decided to let her stay at my house until she could find a home for herself." Ash said.

"That's really nice Ash, but have you asked her why she ran away? Because based on what you're saying, it seems like she was abused." Said Brock.

"I mean, that could be true but I can't be sure, maybe she just wanted a different life." Ash replied.

"Ash, no person that wants a different life just runs away like that, it just causes trouble for them. You should apologise to her. She must have gone through tough times and must be still dealing with the trauma." Brock said.

"I'm still not apologizing, she wronged me by invading my privacy, she is the one at fault." Ash replied.

"She was just trying to help you Ash, she didn't intend to make you mad." Brock told Ash.

"That may be true, but still she invaded my privacy after I told her no multiple times. I'm still not apologising" Ash said firmly.

"Ash, that girl has been through tough times, give her another chance and move on with your life. You need to learn to forgive" Brock told Ash in a wise tone.

"Fine, I'll give her one more chance. But only one." Ash replied.

"Good, trust me Ash, you will feel a lot better after you forgive her." Brock said.

"Alright, guess I'm off." Ash said.

"Oh, and Brock?"

"Yeah?" Brock said.

"Thanks for this once again, I'll repay you one day." Ash told him.

"Just keep coming to the bar and that's enough payment for me." Brock said.

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