Chapter 5:The second gym battle

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"Huh... I missed a call from my sister." Said Dawn checking her phone.

"Are you going to call her back?" Iris asked.

"Yeah, she's my responsibility after all." Dawn replied, "Just give me a minute or two okay?" 

"Alright, but don't keep me waiting!" Iris replied.

Iris ran off into another shop while Dawn dialled her sister's number on her phone.

"You called?" Dawn said.

"Hey Dawn, I need advice," The girl said.

"Why do you need advice?" Dawn asked.

"Well there is this cute boy that I like. His name is Ash and I want to go on a date with him but this girl Serena always gets in the way." The girl said.

"Ash... I know a boy named Ash. Does he have raven-black hair?" Dawn asked.

"Yeah." The girl said.

"How old is he?"

"I think he's around twenty-five or something." Replied the girl.

"Okay, I'll call him and ask if he and Serena would like to hang out with us." Dawn said.

"Okay. Thanks Dawn," The girl said.

"You're welcome. I'll call you later, Miette" Dawn said.



Dawn hung up just as Iris walked out of the shop.

"You finished?" Dawn asked.

"Yeah, so what are we doing next?"


"YES, YES, YES!" Serena shouted excitedly.

"Jeez, after two hours you finally caught Squirtle." Ash replied.

It was a week after Serena's victory at Viola's gym and Ash and Serena were training together.

"For the last week, I have been trying to catch a Pokemon and now I have done it!" Serena said enthusiastically.

"At least now you have some coverage against Grant, since Water beats Rock." Ash told Serena.

"And he's also really cute!" Serena said.

"Wait till you see what it evolves into." Ash replied.

"What does it evolve into?" Serena asked.

"It evolves into Blastoise, one of the most powerful Pokemon you could have on your team." Ash replied.

"Wow, with this and Fennekin, I should be able to blast through the gyms with ease!" Serena said.

"Don't get too cocky," Ash told Serena.

"Relax, I won't," Serena said.

Ash took out his phone and started looking at the nearest routes to Cyllage City.

"Huh... Route 8 seems to be the closest, well I guess that's where we have to go next if you want that badge." Ash said.

Just as he was about to switch off his phone, it started to ring.

Ash picked up and started speaking.

"Hello?" Ash said.

"Hey Ash, this is Dawn. I was wondering if you and your friend Serena would like to meet up in Cyllage City to hang out with me and my sister Miette." Dawn said.

"Miette? The girl with blue hair? She's your sister?" Ash asked, surprised.

"Yeah. So what do you say?"

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