TAKE 32 - Leap of Faith

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Take 32 - Leap Of Faith

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Take 32 - Leap Of Faith

A couple of Days later

The day of the Asia Cup Final

10th September, 2019

Dubai International Cricket Stadium, Dubai - UAE

10:00 PM - UAE Time

The atmosphere at the Dubai International Cricket Stadium right now - in this moment of time as the Asia Cup Final was underway in between Bangladesh vs India - was alit with gaming buzz and excitement.

Everyone in the stands - the fans who had come out to see the match + the respective team dug outs of both the nations were consumed in gaming anxiety. The respective team players family and friends in the various stands were also on the edge of their seats in nervousness. The officials from the BCCI that had come to see the final -were also quite nervous within - even though they were trying their best to mask their gaming nerves - at this very moment in time.


Because the finale game of the ICC ASIA CUP had just entered into a nail-biting thrilling phase.

Brief Gaming Pre: Context - Captain Dev for India had won the toss and had chosen to field first.

The Indian playing 11 team for the final - comprised off Sameer, Raunak(Star openers) of the team followed by Ved Khanna (VC) going in on No 3 - followed by Yuvaan and Rishi on no 4 and 5 and then Captain Dev slated to step in on No 6, after which came in the bowlers/all rounders. India's ace all rounder/spinner - Arnav Singh Raizada was slated to step in on No 7 and post him was Singh at no 8(another fellow spinner) - followed by Daksh(India's ace fast pacer at no 9) and then the last two batsmen who were the medium pacers in the unit.

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