Chapter 33: Flour

Depuis le début

"Matteo il jet è pronto," Diego said and I look up at Matteo which he only nods at his words. 

"Leave," Matteo says firmly, and Diego walks out of my room, closing the door behind him.

"I'll meet you downstairs, neonata." Before leaving my room, he kisses my cheek. I got ready for the day by having a warm shower and dressing comfortably. I'm not leaving the estate, so I may as well be cozy.

When I looked in the mirror, my heart stopped beating. My neck is covered with purple markings from when Matteo wouldn't let me go last night. That's why Diego acted the way he did. I'm so foolish, and this is so humiliating. I despise myself, but at least this hoodie will hide it so no one else can see it. 

My phone rings, and I quickly answer it. "Hi Annika, I called you regarding your admission to Loyola Marymount University," I slap my head, forgetting everything. So much has transpired that I can't even recall what I ate for dinner the night before.

"I'm very sorry. Is it possible for me to complete the application online because I won't be able to come this week due to personal issues?" I'm crossing my fingers that she will say yes.

"Yes, Annika, no problem. Send me your email address, and I will send you all of the materials. Please deliver the papers by the end of tomorrow since we have a very tight timeline. It's also a good idea to start revising the chapter you missed because you need to catch up." In excitement, I bounce up and down, biting my lower lip.

"No issue, have a nice day." I quickly hang up the phone and sent her my email before exiting the room with a wide smile on my face. At the very least, I'll have something to do this week; studying will keep my mind occupied while Matteo and Diego are away. This mansion will be dull, and I'm sure I'll feel lonely, but it's just for a week. I need to quit whining and start looking on the bright side.

As I travel down the stairs, I sort through my textbooks, attempting to decide which style of notepad I want to use. Binders, in my opinion, are superior for flipping pages. I hear Diego's voice next to me but ignore it, continue to browse the application until my phone is grabbed from my grasp. I look around and notice Diego. "Give me my phone back," I say, but he simply pulls it away, pushing me aside. "What exactly is this?" I leap on him, but it's pointless because my height is my disadvantage. 

"It's nothing give it back"

"You got accepted at Loyola Marymount University?" I finally take my phone out of his hand. 

"Maybe?" I smile, winking at him. He chuckles and picks me up, spinning me. 

"Stop put me down," I say in between my laughs. 

He puts me down and I hold onto his shoulder's, trying to calm my spinning head. "I'm a smart, human," I say, smiling

"I'm so proud of you, cucciola" He's like my big brother, he knows when I need him, makes sure no one bothers me, and cares about what I say and how I feel. He adores me, and I can't imagine what life would be like without him. I think about all we have done and it makes me extremely grateful. Another sensation is hearing him say he is proud of me. Yes, my father is always proud of me, but hearing Diego, my brother figure, say it makes me want to cry.

"You can't tell Matteo. I want to tell him myself,"  He thinks for a bit before answering. 

"If you say so, cucciola" I nod and grin. We went downstairs and out the door. I notice Matteo conversing with his men. He looked handsome in his suit, with sunglasses and a dress shirt that wasn't fully buttoned up, displaying his muscular chest. I smile as I approach him, embracing him from behind and resting my head on his back. 

My Quiet PlaceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant