chapter 17

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Otto POV

It's been three months since Perrie started cheating on me with Jade. I get it though, they were high school sweethearts, first love never dies. If it makes them happy, I'm happy to be dragged around and used as a shield. 

The media isn't accepting of any differences, if this gets out, I don't want the girls to feel the pressure. I've moved on from her, not literally, my heart just is no longer hers in a romantic way. Everyday she keeps sneaking off, I just pretend I dont notice, but I do. It doesn't hurt anymore.

I just accidentally made too much lunch, so I thought I'd bring some in for the girls. Perrie always used to complain about how terrible the cafeteria food there is.

As I stopped in front of Perrie's office door, I could hear sounds and yells coming from inside, it doesn't take a genius to figure out what they were doing.

'PERRIEE' I heard Jade yell, and I grinned, maybe I could join.

They were obviously playing twister. I put my hand on the door handle and pushed.

Perrie POV

The door slammed open suddenly and there was Otto, covering his eyes. I started panicking, even though I had just told Jade the truth that Otto and I were actually still together but barely talked anymore. I grabbed a blanket and quickly covered Jade as she was the only one undressed.

I coughed awkwardly and Jade buried her head into the large blanket.

He uncovered his eyes slowly, I was expecting sadness or rage, but what I saw made me even more nervous. He had one eyebrow raised and a smirk plastered across his face. 

'Jesus Jerrie, at work too?' Relief flooded me, I sighed.

'I'm so sorry Otto, I just, I don't know.' I hung my head and sighed.

'Hey, no its fine, I totally get it. I would hug you but uh, ew.' He laughed and placed a bag onto my desk instead, 'here's lunch, if you are.... still hungry?' I nodded a thank you and he grinned as he strode out the door.

Just as he was about to close the door, 'WAIT, Otto, thank you,' he peeked back in and smiled.

'Your secret is safe with me, I will always be here for you girls. Just promise you'll make me the godfather. Also if yous want I can pretend to still be with Pez for media.' With that he closed the door.

'So, that was...' before she could finish the sentence, I collapsed onto her, engulfing her in a huge hug. 

'Hey Jade?' I looked up and she stopped stroking my hair, indicating for me to go on, 'I love you,'

'I love you too Perrie.'


i'm still nice unlike that evil wifey

~T 🤍

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