chapter 2

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The only reason I requested a collab with Perrie Edwards, was to show her what I have and she doesn't. I smirked as Jade walked down the stairs wearing a skin-tight dress, just as I had requested. I wanted her seeing Perrie to be a complete surprise, managing to block all mentions of Perrie, from her accounts to fan pages to hashtags from Jade's phone. My baby-girl had no clue how big of a star Perrie was in the music industry, that was all going to change today.

'Are you gonna tell me who you're collaborating withhhhh?' She whined, I rolled my eyes, 'quit nagging, you'll know soon.' I snapped. She immediately drew back, eyeing me nervously, I glared at her and she gulped, turning back to looking at her phone. I don't even know why I still put up with her, well I do, I need to use her to show off to Perrie. After our project, Perrie's management definitely wasn't going to refuse as I am the highest charting bassist in the world, I'm going to dump Jade. I'll find a girl more worth my time than this small nagging brunette.

'We're here, get out and smile,' I suddenly spotted a bruise near the top of her shoulder, I leaned back into the car and snatched up her cardigan. 'Put this on, what the fuck were you thinking leaving that bruise exposed,' I hissed in her ear, she nodded and stammered a 'sorry,' before grabbing the cardigan and slipping it on. I faked a smile for the paparazzi and dragged Jade by the hand into the building.

'Ah, Mr Elliott, right this way, Mr Cowell is waiting for you in a conference room, I'll guide you there,' I nodded curtly. We followed the young man into the brightly lit, large, conference room. 'Sit, you'll know soon,' I growled lowly at Jade, who look frightened, I smirked glad I had this affect on her. I had sat here for 10 minutes before getting annoyed, 'If she doesn't arrive in 2 minutes we'll be leaving! I thought I wanted to work with her but if she's always like this, she can forget about it!' I growled at Simon, 'Mr Elliot, will you calm down, she is usually very on time.' He defended Perrie. 

'Wait, babe, you still haven't told me who you're collaborating with!' Ugh, why doesn't she know to shut up! Simon looked as if he was about to answer Jade's question when we heard a gasp from outside. I smiled, Perrie, at last.

As I opened the door, my smirk fell, there was guy holding onto Perrie by the waist. I didn't know she had a boyfriend, why did he look so familiar.. They've probably probably only been together for a bit though, won't be too hard to get him to leave her. I looked back, trying to catch Jade's reaction, but I'm pretty sure she's mad at me as she hadn't even looked up. 'Jade!' I hissed, she groaned and rolled her eyes ,I put on my smile and waved Perrie and her boyfriend in. 

Jade's eyes widened as she saw, Perrie walk in, I frowned as her face seemed to light up. Then it fell as soon as she saw the guy Perrie was holding by the hand. 'Perrie, finally,' Simon sighed,  'Hey mate,' Simon acknowledged the guy, he nodded back. 'So, who's this?' I said, slowly, while Jade was still looking at Perrie wide-eyed. 'Otto, my boyfriend, he went to our school,' oh, him. 'Otto, what a nice surprise to see you again!' I faked happiness in my tone, 'Yea sure,' he replied half heartedly, not even looking at me. 

'How long have you been together?' Perrie finally looked from Otto to me, 'We started dating a week before graduation, 4 years.' wait what? All this time, I didn't have to have dealt with this nagging brunette. I only stayed with her in hopes to make Perrie jealous. 'how nice,' I replied trying to bite back a hiss.

I'm dumping Jade as soon as we get out of here.


This is longer than an average chapter that I write.. 

Well hope you liked it, I fell asleep last night before I could hit publish.

~T 🤍

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