chapter 5

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Jade POV

The only reason Jed has kept me around was so he could make Perrie jealous, now he sees his rival has a boyfriend, a lover or whatever and doesn't even have a grudge against him for taking me. He doesn't need me to make Perrie upset, that means he no longer has to deal with me and I'll be free from him. I won't be able to have a career for myself since he pressured me to drop out with him when he was getting signed by his label. I don't have enough education to get a job that'll provide me enough money to be able to support myself.

I sighed, I started scrolling through tiktok to take my mind off of my impending doom. Wait... what if I post videos, of what though? I don't have a talent that'll make me blow up. I guess I could give singing a try, I remember those times in high school when Pez and I were still together. We would sit under the jacaranda tree in her yard singing and her playing the guitar while the purple leaves drifted down. I would give anything to be back there again. One of Perrie's songs came up on my phone, A Mess, perfect.

'I'M HEADING OUT I'LL BE BACK IN A FEW HOURS' I heard Jed yell, followed by the door slamming, I hopped up and strode towards his studio. After setting up the mic, I propped my phone in front of me and pressed record. After a few takes I had finally recorded a perfect cover for her song. I quickly typed up a caption and tagged Perrie before pressing post, I quickly shut down my phone not wanting to be distracted while I took a quick nap.

Jed used me to make Perrie jealous, now before he could get rid of me, I get to use his fame to my advantage and make myself a career. I quickly checked the charts on my laptop, it showed Perrie's songs dominating the top 3 spots and Jed's newest song struggling to stay in tenth place. Smiling to myself I put Aladdin on, the animated version.. duh, around halfway through the movie I drifted off to sleep.

The shattering of glass suddenly awoke me, I scrambled out of my bed and rushed to the kitchen to see a tall redhead making out with Jed, I honestly couldn't be fucked that he was cheating on me. Cheating technically wasn't the right term, we weren't really together anyways. I cleared my throat loudly drawing both their attentions to me, Jed's eyes widened and he seemed to snap out of it as soon as he saw me, it seemed like all his drunkness had snapped out of him.

Whereas the girl with him had her mouth hung open staring at me, she slapped Jed and walked up to me, she grasped my hand and introduced herself, 'Hey, I'm so sorry I didn't know he was with someone, especially someone as beautiful as you I don't know what's wrong with him. I'm Charlotte, and you are?' She raised an eyebrow, 'oh right, I'm Jade.' I grinned, my smile widened as she let go of my hand and whipped around to knee Jed in his sacred area, followed by a loud punch to his nose.

She clapped her hands as Jed lay unconscious on the ground, she turned and gave me a quick hug before strolling out casually. That was... weird to say the least.

I finally got myself together and planned out the rest of the book! (If nothing changes this will have 18 chapters not including the prologue and epilogue)! I still don't know if I passed chemistry 😭 but I got 100% on maths :) and I'm on a 2 week holiday! I'll try finish this fic within this holiday (dont keep your hopes up). Anyways hope yous enjoyed, I usually don't like, long author notes 😭.

~T 😭

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