chapter 13

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Jade POV

She stood there staring at me mouth wide open, I tilted my head at her letting her know I was still here. 'Well since you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend,' I saw she shook her herself out of the daze and was about to speak up. I know that if she spoke she would just push the excuse or lie of her and Otto dating, but since I know the truth. 'Don't worry Perrie, I heard your phone call with Otto when I walked past at the party, I know you guys aren't really dating. So.... will you go on a date with me?

'Jade, Otto actually asked me out to our first date a day or so after the party. and the day you kissed me? yea he asked me to be his girlfriends the day before, that's why I ran out. since we basically see each other 15 plus hours a day we decided to move in together.' I cant believe this, I was a couple weeks too late, Perrie could've been mine if I had asked earlier.

'yea, y yea its ok I'm sorry.' I quickly stood up my chair falling backwards catching the attention of some people around us but that didn't bother me. 'Ok you like it ill send it off to be released, nice seeing you again Perrie. I really missed you.' we would probably still be together if it weren't for Jed. I would probably be on a date with her if it weren't for Otto.

'Jade, come on, its harmless.' I heard her yell but I couldn't face her, not with tears streaming down my face. As I arrived at the recording studios I saw what was unmistakably paparazzi in front of the building. So I did what anyone would and ran to the back, fortunately the back door swung open and I was ushered in. Sprinting up to my studio I slammed the door shut to let everyone know I needed my space.

'Miss Thirlwall? the producers are looking for you,' my new assistant Danielle called to me. I wiped my tears and quickly fixed my mascara. 

'hello? Leigh-Anne! Dani said you wanted me?' I peeked my head around the corner at her and she looked up from her booth and waved me in. 

'Yep, you have a new collaboration set up and after that you need to do a PR stunt with him.' she told me while fiddling with dials on her table. 'Its one of the boys from Rizzle Kicks, know them?'

'Jordan? Is it Jordan the hella hot one?' 


I was forced to do this.

~T 🤍

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