chapter 4

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AND WE'RE BACK-ish... maybe? Depends how I feel lmao.

Perrie POV

As soon as I let her have 5 minutes, she started rambling on and on, 'You remember how Jed had a crush on me during school right? Well remember that holiday you went on with yours and Otto's family? Yes I remember Otto, he's a nice guy, well he showed me photos of you two kissing... and well I got mad and as you know, didn't let you explain yourself.'

As I was about to speak up to deny that had ever happened, Jade interrupted me, 'I found out it wasn't real three years after... after my cousin messaged me about Jed paying him back for.. for a photoshop editing thingy. I asked when it was from and he told me the date that we broke up, I connected the dots and realised the photo was fake.' She voice started getting quieter as I looked up from my fidgeting hands to meet her eyes.

'I confronted him... I did that and, and he became a-' she trailed off as Otto stormed in with a black eye followed by a smirking Jed, 'The collab is off,' He grabbed Jade by the arm, she winced lightly, I jumped up 'Sto-' I paused as Jade sent me a pleading glare, if that was possible, 'see you,' I sighed then turned back to Otto.

'Let's get you some ice shall we?' He grumbled something under his breath, though I could see him smiling slightly. 'You know, he looked so smug,' he burst out laughing as soon as we hopped into the car. I sighed, 'that went terribly didn't it?' He nodded, 'so bad, Jed's as bad as I remembered, how was it seeing your ex? Sorry I left you there with her.' 'No, no, it's all good, it was nice to talk to her again. I didn't realise how much I missed her.'

Oh how I wish we were still together...


Hope you enjoyed, I finished all of my term 3 exams finally! I'm probably gonna fail chemistry 😭 oh well...

~T 🤍

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