9 - The Inevitable

Start from the beginning

Before Dinah even muttered a word, our teacher, Mrs. Verano, walked in. She looked to be in her fifties given both the minute and perceptible laugh lines that grazed her porcelain skin. She had glasses perched by the tip of her nose and wore the typical earth toned slacks, button down blouse and blazer ensemble.

She walked in beaming at us. It was as genuine as her heart as I later found out. Her smile was bright and warm, just like the summer sun. Coincidentally, her last name is the Spanish term for "summer". She was a breath of fresh air compared to Mrs. Dubose's thick and suffocating breeze.

Mrs. Verano went on to discuss a branch in Biology that deals with the constitution of life form, called Anatomy and proceeded to discussing about animal tissues. I was two classes late for the formalities.

Dinah and I listened intently while taking notes down and I unexpectedly recalled that study date I had with the one and only Camila Cabello. She listened and took down notes so she had a solid excuse not to study. I was unconsciously smiling as I shook my head; consumed by thoughts of her. The way she talked so animatedly that her entire head would move most, if not all the time. Her arms would be flung to different places to emphasize the subject she was so intently focused on telling. Her brows would dance by her forehead to accentuate her already expressive brown eyes.

Everything Camila ever did and everything she ever is was imprinted in my head and the most important was the way her eyes gave me a glimpse of her beautiful soul.

As far as animal tissues are concerned, the tissues that made up my cardiac muscle contracted and pumped blood in a way that I had never felt it before. It was the Camila effect.

The week went on fairly well. It was uneventful to say the least. Miss Dubose was still grumpy and Jette still sported the menacing stares with her peculiar smirks. My lyrics were good enough for Miss Peterson and she didn't ask questions about the topic which made it better for me. She gave me a few suggestions about word choices and arrangements which I found helpful.

Sitting in the cafeteria by myself that Friday, I read a book called "Fences" by August Wilson. It was a reading assignment and being the diligent student that I am, I decided on getting a head start. I sat there with earphones blocking the noise. Within my reading, I had realized Dinah has the most classes with me. We share homeroom, AP Biology, AP Music Theory, AP Physics, AP English Literature and Composition. Jette beat her by one class though and I would have given anything to have Camila or anyone from the other three friends I cherish in my AP Art History class. No matter how hard I wished though, nothing was ever going to change.

During Tuesdays and Fridays, I had Art History before lunch and that meant going to lunch with Jettle ogling boys or eating alone, reading something. I liked the latter better and that was what I did in both days. I would have lied if I said I didn't anticipate Camila popping in in the most adorable manner.

"Hey..." A familiar voice with a distinct accent said, barely audible from the music playing in my ears. I would say it was masculine but it was of a teenage boy, it wasn't nearly as deep. "Lauren?" He said louder which made me finally look up to meet his gaze.

Brad instantly flashed me his cheeky grin as he slightly waved in front of me. I managed to give him a half smile, concealing my teeth. I raised my brows to prompt him to continue with what he needed from me despite having some of my own speculations.

He began to speak but I could not at all understand him as Drake's "Started From The Bottom" blared in my ears. For some reason, my conscious mind was not with me and I had not thought about removing the particular ear piece that had muffled his words. Truthfully, I'd rather bang my head to the rapper's songs than listen to the British lad in front of me.

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