9 - The Inevitable

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I've oftentimes heard the phrase "no man is an island" but that never mattered much to me in the past. As a human being, there is an irrevocable need to feel loved; a need for companionship in any shape or form. To me, I had found that in my family and I have never at all felt that I needed to feel more. That much is true, except for the times I had to walk in on another new school swarmed with strangers that I have never seen my entire life.

It was unfortunately a Monday again and I was seated in my AP Biology class. I rested my chin on my palm while my elbow was perched on my desk. I was watching students talking to their friends while some were making their way in the room. Our teacher was still not in and I had time to just relax.

"Dinah!" I waved briskly as soon as my eyes were set on my Polynesian friend. I smiled brightly at her, maybe too eager but that didn't matter. I wanted the comfort a friend could offer. "Hi!"

"Laurenza!" She exclaimed with widened eyes and slightly parted lips in astonishment. Her expressions soon changed into something of delight, and I was more than relieved to see them.

I had not thoroughly checked anyone else's schedules other than Camila's. I was equally surprised to see the bodacious brunette with red streaks on her hair. I had noticed my taller friend as she strutted from the door to her seat. She immediately asked the tall, gangly guy who sat next to her to switch seats with me as soon as she had set her things down.

She waved her arms for me, signaling my transfer which I immediately obliged. I was more than willing to have a friend for a lab partner. I was essentially more than happy to just have a friend with me. While others cared about having friends more than they could count with their fingers and toes, I was perfectly fine with have a handful real ones.

"I didn't know you'd be here, girl." Dinah remarked with her usual flair and pushed my by the shoulder. She had a grin plastered on her features as she threw her arms out to envelop me in. "But I'm glad you're here! Come here!"

I leaned closer to adhere to my friend's request and found the corners of my mouth tugging up to a smile. "Me, too." I muttered in her grasp and I meant it despite the jealousy concerning her relationship with Camila that I have been fearlessly denying.

We pulled away momentarily and Dinah had examined me as if I was a frog being dissected. Her gaze was set on scrutinizing me and my choices yet she was intrigued somehow. "Was this like your last option or something?" She asked with furrowed brows.

I held my palm against my chest as I chuckled at her remarks. I shook my head. "I'm thinking about being a doctor."

I took a deep breath as my wandering mind went on and on about why I wanted to be a health care provider. Despite all the reasons I could say, there was one common denominated; I intrinsically wanted to help.

"I have good grades and enough determination to make it. I just have to maintain it." I shakily stated. The truth of the matter is that I am deathly nervous about failing.

The Polynesian looked more confused than ever, apparently having different thoughts of my career choices. She took her head back at a good analytical distance.

"What? Before somebody says 'nope, your voice is so uniquely beautiful, it would be a crime not to share it to the world'?" She cooed as she held my arms. "Laurenza, your voice is the right combination of raspy and deep yet sultry and sexy at the same time."

While Dinah spoke of praises, there was only one voice that registered in my head. It was as if she took the words from my mouth and said it to me like my subconscious emancipated itself from my mind and settled in my friend's body.

"Don't get me started about Camz's." I instantly retorted which made my eyes widen in shock. I had just blurted out one of my secrets and to the worst person possible; Camila's best friend. Panic descended upon me and I was certain that my features would have been as pale as our bathroom tiles with my anxiety. My breathing had become forced as my pulse pounded with greater force.

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