Party time

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     Seeing Brinn up on the pool table on a reclining sun lounger she couldn't help but laugh.  Turning to give Boomer a kiss she left him to go climb into one of five life guard stype chairs circling the pool table.  Seated Sin was at perfect eye level with her friend who was lounging happily.

   "Who?" Sin questioned chuckling as Chester apeared at her side in board shorts tank top and cut.  In his hand a tray holding strawberry daiquiri's.

   "Non alcoholic for momma, fully loaded for you sweet heart" he flirted shamlessly as he handed up their drink before disapearing.

   "Boomer with gave the idea, Reaper made it happen.  You're domesticating the big man. " Brinn laughed out and Sin didn't argue it.  Just before dinner Boomer had more than prooved he still held his man card.

  "Where's Liz?" she questioned seeing momma demon over with her husband.  Kaiah and Ella over at the dart board playing a game of it with North and Reaper. 

  "Kaiah and Doc both gave her the all clear" Brinn offered wiggling her brows and grinning. 

   The news had an idea playing in her head and Sin calling for her brother who was at a nearby table.  Leaning down she whispered what she was thinking and five minutes later he was back with two remote and simple enough instructions.

  "What are you up to?" B questioned happily and god it was good to see.

  "Wait and see" was all Sin gave as an answered then sipped at her drink as she watched and waited.

   Twenty minutes later when Sin saw Liz's read hair coming from the back hall she clicked on button shutting off the music.  Clicking the other remote her chosen song came on and had the room going while as "I just had sex" blared and Brinn laughted so hard she almost toppler off the lounger.

  "Bitch!" was Liz's only response as she climbed up and Sin switched the music back.

   Looking to momma demon Sin was surprised to see the women crossing the bar towards them.  Reaching one of the chairs she scowled but climbed up to sit beside Sin.  Once again Chester apeared with one momma drink then a fully loaded one for Sara.

  "Momma Sin embarrassed me" Lizzie mock whined with an evil look in her eyes.  Prepare to get a talking to she never expected Sara's responce.

  "Well love that's what you get for fucking in a storage room." Sara stated seriously causing Sin to choke on her drink and shoot frozen slush out her nose "That's punishment enought" the women then laughed as Sin groned from the cold headache that directly followed. 

  "Ah shit I think I peed my self B" cursed then began laughing again but Sin saw Momma demons eyes lock on their girl watchfully.  A sure enough Brinn's face went from laughter to a frown as she grabbed her belly.

   "Get one of the guys to bring a car" Sara shot out the order and had Sin jumping from her seat.  Boomer must have been watching because he was literally dragging Ripper by the back of his cut.

  "What the fuck" Ripper cursed as they stopped in front of her.

   "B's in labour.  Get a car and sober driver.  It's baby time" Sin answered and had Boomer giving a loud whistle that quieted everyone so he could call out for Tweaker.

  "But but.."Ripper stuttered out glancing over to the pool table where Reaper was currently lifting Brinn down. "She's not due" he tried again so she smacked him.  Fuck ya did that work as hard eyes turned on her.

  "Only three weeks and it was going to be a week early anyway due to being a c-section.  Get going daddy and don't be a goob and scare her.  Your the man right now so fuckin man up" Sin order finger pointed at his face.

  "Fine but Boomer you better smack her ass later for talking to me like that and smack me" he ground out but leaned down to kiss my forehead before she followed behind Reaper who was carrying out his Queen.

  "Gladly" Boomer chuckled out and in took a second for it to click.  Shit.  Oh well that could be fun.

   Nathaniel Gator was born one hour later via c-section weighing 8lbs 2 oz and healthy.  Brinn had some complications but thankfully pulled through in the end.  The doctor advised there shouldn't be another pregnancy due to pre-existing damage to B's uterus.  Ripper had Doc working out the details for a vasectomy before she was even out of recovery.

  "I dont fucking care.  I'll carry babies for my sisters if that's what they want" Lizzy anounced when Ripper came to get them.  Brinn wasn't taking the news well that little Nate would be her only.

  "For Sin first" Brinn tearfully ordered then pulled her shit together as Ripper wheeled in their son.  Little man was grunting a squaking but it was his little disgruntly face that had Sin laughing and crying at the same time.  It was the same look Ripper wore when pissed at something.

   "Lets give them some alone time" she whispered steering Liz out of the room and back to the waiting room.  But before they went in Liz stopped her.

  "I was dead serious.  If you can't have a baby Sin I'll be you baby making oven.  I already talked to Switch about it and he's cool with it." she stated and for the first time in a long time Sin felt hope blooming.

   "We'll talk about it if I can't" she answered then pulled Liz into a tight hug.  She was happy.  She'd found an amazing man. Had freinds who loved her enough to carry her child. And a family who would do anything to see her happy and safe.  Sin couldn't ask for anything more than what she had.


Okay well that was a bit of an emotional roller coaster to write.  From fun and laughs to tears.  Yes I followed the emotions of my characters on this one.  And just so you all know for the future I would never kill off a character in childbirth.  Yes I know it happens but I just can't emotional do that.  Blow some one up, yep.  Cut off a dick, no problem.  But never that.

One more chapter and the epilogue left.  I can't believe Sin's stories coming to an end. Eleven chapters in two days.  Well worth the writing hangover I know will come.

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