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    Five days she'd gone with the flow.  Days at the shop and nights in Boomer's bed.  The man had some serious stamina.  He'd broched the moving her stuff over topic on night three.  Sure he hadn't been happy when she'd said no but he'd dropped the subject.  Sin just wasn't ready to give up having her own space.

  Man had she been pissed hearing Holiday had taken a swing at Boomer.  Sure the man had brushed it off as some brother billshit.  Sin had been set on setting him straight till Kaiah had called and pissed her off more.  Luckily the women had a nack for getting back at those who'd pissed her off.  It was a gift really.  So helping gain what she needed with Marvin's help she'd stayed quiet and waited.

  "Crypt man I need you to look into something for me.  I'm getting all these notifications on likes from a site.  A site I'm not signed up to" she'd heard him asking over breakfast just seconds before the first text came in.  Her brothers phone dropped when he'd seen whatever was sent.

  Unfortunatly she hadn't got a look but the look on his face was enough.  Filling B in on the situation the women was more than willing to help.  Together they'd tracked down Crypt and explained.  Queen B had status thumped the geek with a do not act order.  Then she'd called Kaiah who'd sent them the web info so they could see her handywork.

  Oh she was good.

   "Oh my god this is beautiful" Liz now laughed as she read his profile on CougarLadyDating.com. 

  They'd needed a way to get her to sit her ass down while they made dinner.  So grabbing her laptop they'd filled Liz and Cindy Lou in on Kaiah's resent shinnanigans.

  "Looking for a naughty granny" she chuckled then giggled on the way through what Kaiah had written.  It was creative and more to the point had women over fifty sending naughty pics to Holidays phone.

  "I like that girl.  She's spunky as shit" Cindy lou stated as they put the finishing touches on dinner.  But just as they were set to bring it out they froze.

Liz hopping down from the pub style table squeeked before a puddle splooshed at her feet.  Cindy Lou had simple put down the bowl of salad and called for a couple propects. 

  "My water broke" Liz stated as if they didn't see it. 

   "Sure did honey.  Now come on.  We'll get you cleaned up while one of the girls let's Switch know what's going on" Cindy Lou calmly took charge leading out a baffled Liz.

"Might as well let them eat first.  Then tag your it on telling Switch." Sin stated then took the last couple things out and watched the guys dig in.  Pulling out her phone to check she could only chuckle at the baby pool winner.  Reaper had come closest being only a day off.  Guy had won close to two grand.

  Seeing Switch's plate cleared she gave B the heads up then stood back to watch the show.  Somehow she knew he wasn't gonna handle this well.  And nope pure freak out.


   She hadn't come to eat with him.  Had he pissed her off somehow Boomer mentally questioned himself.  Eye's scanning the dinning room he'd found her standing near the kitchen watching the room.  She didn't look pissed but then Sin had a way of masking.

  They'd been good these past couple days.  Sure she hadn't moved into his room but he hadn't pushed the subject.  Something else was up though.  She'd gone to Crypt for something and had been texting someone.  When he'd tried to ask his brother about it Crypt had simply said he'd been gagged by B. 

   It was fucking with his head.  One because she wasn't openning up to him and two because his head was already fucked.  So eating his brain spun as he continued to peak at where she still stood watching over the room.  He saw the moment she popped her head into the kitchen.  When B apeared a moment later he connected that Sin had been playing look out for something.

  Little B headed there way face a little pale but smiling so it couldn't be bad.  But what came out of her mouth had all three of them jumping to their feet.

  "Lizzie's water broke" she'd told Switch and he'd barely been in time to get her out of the way.  Switch was on the move to find his women and she'd been right in his path.
"Thanks for the save big guy" she murmered before Ripper came and wrapped an arm around her centre.

  "Send out a mass text" Ripper ordered then guided Brinn into a seat. With a nod it was done. Purse in hand Sin came to stand beside him as Liz and Switch apeared.

  "I'm not going to the hospital yet.  I only just had my first contraction.  Labour takes hours." Liz was arguing with the VP who clearly didn't like her plan.  "Boomer be a sweetheart and get him a drink.  He's freaking out" she requested while taking a seat beside Brinn.

  He may not be the brightest lightbulb but Boomer was smart enough not to argue with a women in labour.  Doin as told he went and poured Switch a whiskey then shoved the glass in the mans hand.

"I can't.  I need to drive" he argued.

  "Oh hun your ass is not driving anything.  You will be in a cage driven by either Boomer or Ripper.  Now sit" Sin stated then when he didn't moved quick enough she gave him a nudge into the seat beside Liz.

"What the hell are you doing" Mase yelled storming in not a moment later clearly in full freak out "Up, car, hospital.  My niece or nephew is not being born in the old clubhouse" he ordered as if he had final say which pissed mamma bear off.

"Sin deal with him too" she ordered arms crossed and Boomer headed to pour another drink for Mase.  Now that he knew the plan and ladies seemed calm about it Boomer's nerves settled.  He nearly dropped the glass when he turned to see Sin haul back and punch Mase. 

"You good now" she questioned standing over him as she'd knocked him on his ass.

  "Ya i'm good.  Fuck nice shot" Mase shot back.


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