Out of Balance

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       "Just remember Marvin that Liz is Demon's daughter.  Mess with her system and your outcome is questionable" Sin warned her friend as he took a seat behind the front desk at Fort Ink. 

      Having kept her first time slot open Sin now sat at her station checking her emails.  The feelers she'd put out for artists were now getting reponses.  Lat night over dinner Brinn had finally conceaded that she was having a hard time.  With the task now in her hands Sin intended to fill it fast.

    Over her year on the road she'd guest spotted in eight ink shops.  Most of them club offiliated but one or two private.  She'd hit them all first.  Given recent events she'd kept her New Orlean's house off the list. Still not willing to trust that the Prez would keep his word.

   Openning the last email Sin almost squealed reading Oliver "North" Jackson's response.  Digging out her phone she was already dialing as Moss lifted a brow in question. Shifting the laptop to his station so he could read it Sin stood as Ollie finally answered.

   "Who is this?" his deep familier voice answered as her new number would have come up unknown on his I.D.

   "Hey shithead, how you been?" she cheerfully responded knowing he'd recognize her voice.  They'd had a brief mutual itch scratching friendship in Texas.  Given her current status with Boomer it may be an issue but she'd deal with it.  

  "Hey Goddess, expect your calling cause of that email I sent back" he guessed right using her nickname.

  "I am.  When can you been here?" she questioned as his email had said open availability. 

  "A week.  Why? Miss me that bad?" he teased and best nip that one in the ass now she thought.  It wouldn't be fair to Oliver or Boomer to leave that hanging.

  "Brinn needs off table asap.  But hun I'm with someone here.  The clubs Enforcer.  Still want to come?" she questioned fingers crossed he still would. 

  "I'll have Dingo clear my calander and be on the road in a couple days.  He make you happy?" he questioned not sounding happy but she trusted he now wouldn't cross anylines.  Ollie had a strict ethical code she admired.  And truth if Brinn hadnt contacted her she'd have probably would have stayed a little longer in Texas.

  "Text me when you know an arrival date.  Thanks Ollie I'm looking forward to seeing you again" she confessed no point in hiding it.

  "Will do.  Just tell your guy not to shoot me okay.  See you soon love" he chuckled then hung up not giving her a chance to respond or say goodbye. 

    With the matter settled she went about her work day putting it to the back of her mind.  Only at dinner did it pop back to the front.  Filling Brinn in she didn't realize the others were listenning til Boomer placed his hand on her thigh.

   "Why didn't you clear this with me first?" Ripper demanded suddenly

  "Oliver isn't club for one.  Two it's B's shop not the club's.  I didn't need to put it through you." she shot back

  "What she said plus I told her to find someone to cover for me.  Discussion done" Brinn angrily added glaring at her guy who clearly didn't know well enough to drop this.

  "You two seriously don't see that everything in this town is club business.  Where my old lady is concerned it's my business." he began the level of his voice rising.  When both Sin and B stood up "Where the hell do you think your going." now shouted and seeing the tears in B's eyes Sin lost it.

   "Get your head out of your ass.  Not everything is under club law.  As per signed agreement Fort Ink is Brinn's.  Private business.  Staffing it thus falls under her choice alone and had zero to do with you.  Got it.  This discussion is over." she yelled back slamming a fist down on the table before following B upstairs.

  She knew her girl and was already texting Crow and Liz to give them the heads up.  After the last sleep over at the apartment Sin wasn't a fan of the idea.  Unfortunatly B wouldn't calm down here and it was the only other location secure enough. 

  "Pack an overnight bag hun.  I'm covering the rest" Sin assured pulling her girl into a hug when she stood in the centre of the room just crying. "Let things cool a day then we'll talk to your guy again" she assured then helped B gather her stuff.

Going next to her room Sin grabed her sweat pants and clothes for the next day.  It usually only took Ripper a day to cool down and figure his shit.  Tossing in a couple weapons of choice they headed down to the almost empty dinning hall. 

  "Go get in the car love.  I'll be there in a minute" she whispered then motioned for Crow and five others to follow her out.  Then she turned to the table where the three men still sat.

"She needs to calm down and won't do that here.  We'll be back after work tomorrow." she explained to Boomer who was giving Ripper the death glare but stood to hug her.  Pulling back she reached up for a kiss before once again facing Ripper "Don't know and right now I dont care on the why.  Get your head out of your ass before I bring her home.  She needed to be off and I have more connections.  I'll text Crypt the mans info so he can run him.  But my word should be good enough.  You should know I'd never bring anyone in that I didn't trust" she stated voice calm with only a touch of anger.

  "Call me before you crash" Boomer requested as she headed for the door.


   "What the fuck man?" Boomer questioned after he heard the bikes and SUV pull out of the yard.  He'd known this man most of his life.  Knew he could be an ass sometimes.  But that shit had touched a new level.  Switch was currently trying to talk Lizzie out of coming down and kicking his ass.  No need for speaker phone.  They could hear what she was yelling from down here.

  "The level of disrespect these ladies..."Ripper began then shut it as both Boomer and Switch shot him death glares.  Guy didn't get to pull that shit where Sin was concerned.  Having witnessed the conversation Boomer had to agree with the lady's on this one.  Unless Ripper wasn't telling them something

  "Fuck" Switch ground out as he placed down the phone "Liz just called it in to Cindy Lou.  We're in the doghouse, the whole club." Switch then warned going to grab a drink from the bar as Boomer just kept staring at Ripper.  The man had just cost him a good nights sleep and he better have a good fucking reason for this shit.

  With the bing of his phone Boomer read a text from Mase that confirmed what Switch had just warned.  Every single sweetbutt had just left the bar and headed for their rooms. Mase had personally been balls deep when Cindy Lou started banging on doors.  Guy was pissed as he's nights entertainment had rolled out from under him and left. Showing the text to Switch the man cursed again. 

  "Explain now" Boomer ordered knowing they were about to have a croud of pissed off brothers.

  "Smoke called to warned me that shits going south in New Orlean's.  The Prez Dougin stepped in it big with the Marvin situation.  Words got out that Demon's been making changes and it seems New Orleans is now a split club.  Smoke was giving the heads up as Crispy warned him Dougin's placing blame for it all on Sin" Ripper finally gave in and explained  and had Boomer seeing red.

   The man was already on his list of kill on site, brother or not.  The man had hurt his girl and was a walking deadman now.  His brain doing it's spin thing Boomer worked over the possible issues that could connect.
"Have you had Crypt and Marvin check on a possible hit?" he questioned having no problem seeing Dougin pulling that shit. 

  "Not yet.  Smoke only informed me today before dinner." Rip answered and seemed to deflate as he came to realize he'd fucked up bad with his Queen B.  Boomer now got the why.  His method just sucked big giant monkey balls.

  "I'll get the guys on it as soon as Sin messages me the details.  Switch, get Moss over here.  Maybe he knows something" Boomer instructed heading to the bar to bring over two more glasses and the bottle.  With empty beds none of them would be sleeping good tonight. 


I'll probably change the chapter name.  Hinted at the threat from Sin's past life in the beginning.  Couple of readers have caught.  The attack on Fort Ink in Baby Makes Four.  Was the Devil's Own simply watching?  Is there another unknown mole?  Has Dougin only started being a threat now or has this been going on longer?  Gonna have to wait and see.

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