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     He was pissed.  Reaper had given him the heads up on the Crispy and Prez situation.  It had also been confirmed that they'd payed to have his women taken out.  Who fuckin payed someone to kill their own kid.  That shit was just fucked up.  More fucked up than him learning from Holiday the exact reasons behind it all.  Which pissed him off too because he should have learned about that shit from Sin not her brother.

   Boomer had thought they were doing great till it all gave him a reality kick to the nuts.  They shared a bed and talked about the daily shit but Sin was otherwise a closed book.  She's accepted being called his old lady but still kept her room.  So here he was all in while he'll now realized she wasn't.  Worse he had zero idea's on how to get her to come around.  Did she even love him?

   "Church!" Switch called out to the waiting brothers then lead the way into the meeting room.

   Taking his seat Boomer only half listened as Ripper filled everyone in on the situation in New Orleans and the hit on Sin's head.  His mind was on repeat mode going over everything Sin had ever told him.  It clicked back in when Ripper called out for other business.

   "A couple things Prez" the former nomad Irish spoke up from his seat to the back before he stood up " First what I have to tell you must stay in house." the irish man stated and had Ripper ordering a gag order to all the brothers.  Meaning no one out of this room could be told including old lady's.
"Oliver "North" Jackson is the son of Fergus Mulligan.  The Irish Mafia family we procure out guns from.  Everything you've found on the man is fabricated by the family to keep him safe and hidden.  Guy has nothing to do with the family business but called in a couple family favours to help with this situation" Irish informed and had both Crypt and Marvin cursing from their seats.  They'd been on back ground checks and odviously didn't catch a wiff of anyhting being off.

   "And you know this how?" Reaper beat everyone one to the question

    "He's my second cousin.  My mum's a Mulligan.  It's how I initially got hooked up with the club.  I should also tell you that today we saw Ella and learned her maiden named Cole.  Made some phone calls to the family and there may be a family connection there through my Uncle Shawn.  He went over to visit the homeland after his first year of college and may be Ella's father.  I won't know till the family gets back to me.  I can tell you that Ella isn't connected to the family and till today we never knew she existed." he finshed off to the dead silent room.

   "Well fuck.  Okay that info definatly doesn't leave this room"Switch finally broke the silence as Ripper just glared at Irish.  There would definatly be a private convo going down soon between them about the Mulligan connection not being disclosed earlier. 

  "Any other business?" Boomer questioned wanting to be done with this.  If Sin didn't come home for dinner he'd take some her way.  Meet North in person too.

  "Ya Kaiah's living situation.  I've got an idea after learning about Ella's issues with the Aunt." Reaper spoke up nearly making him curse out loud.  Getting up Reaper made way to the head of the table handing Boomer, Switch and Ripper a realestate listing.  Place was a small two unit house only a block away from the compound. "Figure both women have a tie to the club and it'll be easier to keep an eye on" Reaper offer and looking the sheet over Boomer had to agree.  So did the exec as they all voted for the purchase.

    "Okay so how do you expect to convince Kaiah man.  You seem to have everything else firgured out" Holiday questioned definatly not liking Reaper's interest in their club nurse.  Neither did Crow who shot a glare at both men.

  "Buy it then list it for rent.  Crow mentions the listing to Kaiah, Liz to Ella.  We say it's Perky's investment property.  Perky shows the property and girls are never the wiser.  Charge affordable rent but add in amenities like laundry, security and internet." Reaper answered without missing a beat and Boomer had to admit he was impressed.

  "It'll work.  Long as Kaiah doesn't see it as charity she'll at least go look if I tell her about it" Crow agreed to the plan

  "Offer a discount for Ella in exchange for work at Perky's cleaning.  Be better if she only worked for the club so she could get back to going to school." Irish added in.

  "Switch make the offer in cash.  No inspection and immediate possesion.  Reaper you and your boys see that it's made ready for the girls to move in.  They can view it as the works being done.  Switch you talk to Perky and get her on board." Ripper detailed then finally brought the meeting to a close.  But not before he told Irish to stick around a minute.

  "Am I needed?" Boomer questioned staying seated as the others minus Switch, Crow and Irish filed out.

  "Nope, get back to your girl.  I want a report on your read of North in the morning.  Invite him to the compoud friday night too" Ripper answered

  Boomer only nodded then got the hell out of there.  Sin's safety came first but it was time he started pushing her to make a commitment. 


Sorry a little on the short side.  Hearing your interest in Kaiah interacting with more members I've added Reaper as a possible.  I won't tell you which one I'm going with.  You'll have to wait and see lol

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