North & Smoke

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New Orlean's

      Never before had Smoke questioned his life as a Blood Wolve, until now.  Like his siblings Smoke's mother had been a sweetbutt.  Atleast she's stuck around till he was six befor taking off.  His siblings hadn't even had that.  Fuck Holiday and Smoke weren't even sure Sin was Crispy's.  No way they'd ever said anything about it.  Crispy had claimed Sin as his and till her bisexuality came out Dad have never treated her any different.

    Now he was questioning all kinds of shit.  Given what he now knew about the past events had made him more watchful.  The events since Sin came back from Marvin is what had him spinning.  No way had Prez ordered a hit on Sin without Crispy knowing about it.  Also word had got out about San Fran chapter amending old rules ans throwing out a couple.  When brought up in church by a low ranking brother the exec had squashed it flat. 

    So now the club was divided and his father wanted his baby sister dead.  At least there he knew where he stood.  When it came down to choosing Sin won.  So with the help of Demon they'd set their own plan into motion.  By club law a member of the upper family could only be disposed of after a full club vote.  Even then it was handle gently and Treason and Murder had to be committed.  All Sin had done was threaten Prez and Dad.  No club vote.

   Just an hour ago he'd gotten off a confrance call with all the chapter Prez's.  He'd layed all the truths out on the table for them.  Marvin had been digging too and found confirmation that Prez and Crispy had hired the hit using club funds.  Smoke had felt nothing as the Prez's ruled against his own father.  As the President of the mother chapter the assignment was Ripper's to hand out.  But before he could Demon had vollenteered to handle the situation with his wife's help.  Yep cat was out of the bag on Momma Demon and her gifts when it came to interogation and torture.

   Now all he had to do was make sure Sin stayed alive and that those loyal to the patch didn't get caught up on the casualty list.  So heading out Smoke waited till he knew he was all clear before placing his call.  By tomorrow night North would be in SC and he'd promised to keep him updated. 

  "Yo" his old friend answered then was silent probabaly meaning Oliver was pulling over.  They'd meant during Smokes prospect years.  His father being their contact to the Irish Gun Trade.  Also new to the family business they'd been always place together outside as lookouts.  While Oliver had stepped away from the gun side of the family business they'd kept in touch.  It was freakin coinsidance that Oliver and Sin's path's had crossed in Texas.  But it sure made things easier now. 

  "It's Smoke.  The matter here is settled and will play out in the next couple days.  We either need to intercept the hit or take the hitter out first.  Let me know if you need anything to see that done" Smoke informed but knew the offer would be turned down.  Oliver "North" Jackson was Irish Mafia and had already assured he had assets nearby if needed.

  "I'll be there by morning.  Moss called me as Demon said he would.  I'm sure Sin's new guy will do his best but I'll feel better when i get there" North openly confessed hinting at what Smoke had wondered on.  North was taking this personal.  Too personal for a women he was friends and co-workers with for a couple months.

   "Good.  We're keeping New Orleans hush hush from Sin till it's done.  Understood" Smoke stated maybe a little more gruff than intended.  But fuck the man had fucked his baby sister. 

   "Understood" he got in response before the line went dead without another word.  Next call was to Gore.  They needed a plan to stop things going fubar here.  He'd have to trust his brothers in SC to keep Sin alive and safe.  Heaven would offer them no help should they fail to do so.

9 hours later...

    It was your average small town except that it was better kept up than you would normally see.  Fresh Paint on old building.  Gardens at the two intersections of town also marked by four way stops.  Picture perfect main street which he now turned off of.  On street over you saw the unsavor businesses associated with Motorcyle Clubs.  Snuggled between the bar and strip club sat his destination and home for the next year atleast.  That's if Sin let him stay when she found out the truth.

   Oliver had always known who she was.  It was the reason his boss in Texas had hired her.  A shop that was owned and operated by one of his many uncles.  He never intended for her to learn his background.  She'd had her own issues with family back then.  Now he wasn't so sure he'd be able to keep her ignorant.  Pulling his bike around back Oliver waisted no time getting off his bike to stretch.  It had been a long night on the road.  When he finally turned to the building it was to come face to face with a big tattoo'd covered man in his mid fourties.

   "Moss" he greeted unstrapping his duffle before heading to the back door where the man stood.

  "North.  Come in.  I got coffee and breakfast ready upstairs.  We'll talk then you can catch some shut eye. " Moss greeted leading the way in and throught the shops little kitchen area.  Up a set of stairs they entered an apartment he assumed would be his for the next couple months.  Even though it was a studio set up it was clean and all the furnishings looked new.

  "How do you take your coffee?" Moss inquired while Oliver placed his bag on the bed.  The question made him smile because the answer was "Irish".


Okay  a little more back story for Smoke and North.  The irish connection was needed for a future story and branch off story I'm playing with. 

Back to Sin and Boomer....

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