Damn Irish Pt 1

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Note: Image for Ella has changed in the handbook and Lia's added.


It felt like she was waking up after a weekend bender. They sedated her. Sin may not remember much of it but she was glad someone had knocked her out. It had only ever happened one time before and she'd been alone. Sin had passed out and woke up feeling a lot rougher than she did now.

Shifting her stiff muscles she heard someone move somewhere on the room and assumed it was Boomer. Until she openned her eyes and saw a small female bringing a glass of water from the bathroom.

"It's Ella, I do the cleaning and such" she introduced herself as the small female with the irish accent got closer. "Some water and pain tablets the doctor said would be okay to give when you woke" she explained as Sin pulled herself up to rest against the head board.

"Thank you Ella" Sin croaked out of her sore throat taking the two clearly marked pills and the glass of water. It was in the moment she swallowed that the realization hit. They had the same eyes. The lady from the diner and Ella had the same eyes as...well fuck. They both had the same green eyes and features as Oliver. "How long was I asleep?" she questioned

"Couple of hours. Doctor gave you a mild seditive. Do you want me to get anyone for you?" Ella offered not knowing the revelation Sin had just had.

"No. I'd like to get up anyway. Will you stay just in case" Sin asked hating that she didn't want to be alone. Even if the person was a stranger it was better than alone. Sitting on the edge of the bed Sin finished her water before trying the whole standing thing. "Boomer, is he okay" she questioned knowing she had to have scared him.

"Had a little bit of panic himself but I helped him catch his breath." Ella assured and Sin must have looked confussed or something because she explained. "I'm in school to become a therapist. One of the classes just last week was on PTSD and calming exercises. Do you want an unbias ear to chat too? I will tell none." Ella assured sitting on the couch gazing at Sin with such kind eyes. Sin was glad this small women with kind eyes had been there for Renner.

Thinking about what she knew of the women Sin was pretty sure Ella wasn't connected to Oliver. The women at the diner was another thing entirely. Only thing in common between the three were the eyes, features and that they were all Irish.

"I'm not a talker. I wasn't raised that way. You keep your thoughts to yourself. A lot has come at me in the last couple years and I havent talked. Just pushed through the hard stuff and kept breathing. But this last thing was too big." she tried but not giving details not wanting to pass on the darkness of her world to an inocent young women.

"Tell me. I've got strong sholders" Ella stated a hint of steel to the lithe to her words. As if she'd read Sin even though she was sure her mask was back in place.

Without making the consious decision Sin began with meeting Alida. How it had all gone so wrong and how she'd ran. To finding her place here only to be pulled back in by Marvin. The attach at the shop and the bullet that hit her in the stomach. Only Kaiah knew the damage that one little bullet had done. Her worries that she'd never be able to give Boomer children because of it. He needed to be a father and may never be if they stayed together. Then finished off with her father the man who'd help hirer someone to kill her.


All she could think was that the women was made of steel if all that hadn't broken her. There had only ever been mum for her and losing her had near destroyed her. The shit she lived now had nothing of the hell she'd lived in those weeks following mums death.

Through the telling she stayed in her seat on the couch. She wanted to hold Sin's hand but that was her and not what Sin needed. The women needed space and to get the demons out so she could begin the act of living again. So she remained silent and listened till the room was once again silent.

Ella was far from done learning what schooling would teach. But she'd been raised by a strong women much like Sin. So she called on what her mum taught her instead of a textbook.

"Life is rarely fair, it's true. Bound and bent on testing us at every turn it is. You didna choose the parent you were given. And from what I know of you turned out nothing like the mon. I didna have a father growing up as the bastard abandon my mum. But I believe a father loves without judgement. The man who helped make you did not make you who you are. He chose a club over his own flesh and blood so feel no guilt choosing life over him." she offered then let it absorb before continuing. "As for your fears with yer man. Wether the words have been spoken or nay, that man love ye. Was clear to see. If ye decide children are what is wanted there are other ways to go about having one. But you need to be honest with him. For yourself and him." Ella finished then waited

"Thank you Ella." the women finally spoke after more minutes of silence but Ella saw the calm in the women now. Felt pride that she'd helped bring that to her. "Any ideas on how to handle the telling part of your advice" Sin questions and Ella smiled knowing it was time to end the drab feel of the conversation.

"Ay, well get him naked first. Have a bit of a romp them lay it out when his brains still a little mushy. Then if he doesn't take it well all his tender bits are fully accessable to hack off" Ella joked and was pleased her plan had worked as Sin began to laugh.

"Will you come down and hang out for a bit" Sin requested and it was something Ella could easily agree too. She would already be catching hell for missing her afternoon client anyway. May as well add to the sins by having a wee bit of fun before returning to her life.

"I will. So fix your face. You look like a racoon I once saw in a book" she agreed still keeping it light.


If you havent worked it out I'm setting Ella up to be the calm in any storm. Though I'm about to set the womens world into a spin in part two of this chapter. Sin's figured out a piece of it. This may turn into a three part chapter.

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