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     "Morning Big Guy.  Need to loosen your hold.  I need to head down and make breakfast before work" Sin murmered eyes still closed.  it was odvious she didn't want to get out of bed and he wasn't of a mind to let her.

    Past couple days she'd been opening the shop at nine and would close somewhere between one or two at night.  Last night he'd wanted her but Sin had been dead on her feet.  While he wasn't sure how he felt about the man himself.  North's arrival today would mean his girl finally got some good sleep and free time.

    "Cindy Lou and a couple of sweet butts are taking over breakfast duties till further notice.  Liz is back on dinners tonight if you want to help on the cooking front" he murmered before he let his bands wander.  When he felt her tense Boomer hit that spot behind her ear that short circuted her brain.

   "You trying to distract me to avoid a fight Renner?" he questioned using my name, knowing what effect it had.  Smirking Boomer tunneled down under the covers till he found his happy place.  Instead of offering a verbal response Boomer used his lips and tongue to show his answer.



   Four orgasms and a shower later she grabbed a quick breakfast before heading to work.  There had been no time to stop in to see Brinn and Liz so she three way called the girls on her way to work.

   "Oh I know why you didn't have time to see me.  Or shall I say I heard the reason several times.  Which is unfair given Im on a no sex diet with this bed rest" Brinn grumbled making Sin chuckle.

  "Me too.  Not that Switch is ever touching me again." Liz chimed in odviously the childbirth of her little man too fresh still.

  "Guess your only option is mouth an ass.  Can't see Switch complaining" she teased pulling around the back of the shop.  Seeing a familier bike parked Sin didn't even say goodbye.  Hanging up she quickly parked and headed in to see if she was right.  Her phone chimed

  Brinn: You under attack?

  Liz:  How Rude!!!

  Sin:  I think North got here early. 
           Will message at lunch with an

     Going through to the front Moss greeted her like any other morning.  He was alone and in the process of getting ready for his first client. 

    "North got in about an hour ago.  I showed him upstairs so he could crash.  Guy travelled through the night.  Said he'd take the late shift tonight with you.  Club meeting tonight so I'll be out of here by 5" he informed not looking up from whatever he was fiddling with. 

   Offering a simple okay in response Sin got to prepping her own station.  Ten minutes later Marvin arrived and another day started.  Another long day.


    She was running late.  Once again her aunt had overbooked her day.  Meaning she'd had to scramble and had missed taking a lunch break.  Just a couple more weeks she mentally reminded herself as she pulled into the MC lot.

   Word around town was that the clubs VP's old lady had given birth to a healthy baby boy.  Thank god as the women had been in crazy nesting mode the last she'd been here.  But good had come of it as Ella had gotten a chance to talk to Liz.  She wouldn't be losing the MC as a client when she broke ties with her Aunt in a couple weeks.

   Entering the clubhouse Ella audibly groaned seeing the state of the bar area.  Did these man children nay understand what a bin was for.  Now having a better idea of the hiarchy Ella also understood a prospect should have already seen to the mess.  Seeing a couple of members seated at the bar Ella decided to get herself a prospect.

    "Excuse me but can one of you get a prospect in here to haul out the rubbish while I start on the laundry and rooms?" she called out as she drew closer.  All three turned to her and dear lord weren't they fine to look upon.  I mean if you liked that look.

    "Ah why did no one tell me our Ella was a bonny irish lass" one of the men questioned with a hint of her country in his voice.  Not like her own that still carried a thick accent to it.  "We'll see it's cleaned up lass dont fret" he then stated getting off his seat to do just that.  "Im Irish by the way" he stated

   "Really, never would have guessed it" she chuckled missing that it was an introduction and not a statement.  So she didn't understand why the two other men were started laughing.

  "No sweetheart.  That's his road name.  Irish.  Im Reaper and this ugly bastard is Chester." the tall dark haired man offered in explaination before getting up to help with the clean up. 

  "Okay then nice to meet you all.  I'd best get to my tasks." she offered back as Ella wasn't exactly sure what else to say.  Headed to the laundry room she set on two loads of wash then grabbed her hamper of fresh sheets.

  In the months since she'd started Ella had found a routine that worked for both her and the club.  While men were to particular on the matter she insisted on clean sheets twice a month.  Should they need a fresh set early she had the laundry room well organized so they would be found.  Generally laundry was now her sundays after church when she came to clean up after the weekend parties.  In that she'd also got the men using the sacks she'd brought. 

   Taking the sheets up to the third floor Ella went room by room striping and remaking beds.  If she was lucky she'd have everything sorted and done before they returned from dinner.

(** Add day of the week in editing.)


    Watching the small women disapear he grabbed a garbage can and began tossing empties that littered the table tops.  He'd bring it up at church later too that it hadn't been done that morning.  With everything going on it had probably just got overlooked. 

   "What do we know about the lass?" Irish questioned breaking the silence when they were just about done.

  "Came from Ireland and living with a bitch of an aunt.  Rumor around town is she came for school but does more working than studying.  Besides us her aunts got her doing all the work at other places. Her mothers sister.  When the mom passed Ella came this way as it's the only family she has left. Also heard Liz telling Cindy that Ella intends to cut that last tie as soon as she can.  Liz is going to break ties with the aunt and put Ella on the books.  Also giving her the cleaning at the shop and Perky's." Chester answered and had both Reaper and Irish stopping to listen.  Chester has a gift for knowing shit so it wasn't a surprise he'd collected so many details on the girl.

  "Know anything about the Aunt.  Surnames and such" Irish questioned as Reaper began tossing another idea around in his head. 

  "Cole is the Aunt's maiden name, Northern parts.  Came this way with her parents as a teen while the sister remained in ireland for some reason.  I'm guessing it had something to do with Ella as the timing matches up." Chester answered and Reaper couldn't help but chuckle.  "Diner in town is a gossip mill. And Patty the older waitress like to share it all" the man offered his source.  Meanwhile a look had crossed Irish's face.  "I gotta make a call" the man simply offered before disapearing.

   "Fifty bucks says he knows her family tree by tomorrow morning" Chester placed the bet.

   "Fifty on him knowing by dinner" Reaper countered.


Can you tell yet where I'm going with this.

I've decided that my next story will be base around this Irish Mofia connection.  It'll play a key a part in future Blood Wolve's stories.  I'll be releasing this story as I edit the first three books. 

You may also notice I'm starting to leave myself notes along the way. 

And back to Boomer and Sin. 


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