Emotional Hangover

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      Ripper called full church when they were done with the man.  What they already knew about Claira and the man was enough.  With New Orleans taken care of and the hitters off the table it was time to lay it all out at the table.  The brothers had too many questions and had a right to know of what had been going on in the background.

     Explaining the Sin situation fell on Boomer who did so in as few words as he could get away with.  Ripper then went on to explain why they had so many Irish in the territory and the connection to their gun trade business.  North would be staying as well as Lia until the family could connect Ella to the family tree.  A family meeting was being held on their end in two days, attendance manditory.

    After the day before and the caring she'd shown to both Boomer and Sin he now had a soft spot for the lass. 

   "If Ella's connected by blood they'll want to step in.  We can't let them push the women into anything.  She's ours" Boomer offered with no bones that the club was holding claim to the women. 

  "Reaper, did they take the apartments" Ripper questioned after nodding at Boomers words.  It wasn't well known but Ella had been making time to go see Brinn.  Bringing her little treats and magazines to lift the momma to be's spirits.

  "Both are in.  I'll need a lot of help over the next week to get the places ready though" Reaper answered which was shuffled to Boomer to schedual out around the regular business.

   Other matters were discussed and the meeting was about to close when Irish entered looking pissed.  He's been below with the women watching the interogation of Claira.  Checking his watch Boomer was surprised to see how little time had passed.

   "Women sang like a fucking bird thinking it would save her ass.  She was hesitant to give information on Elliot and what she knew.  No doubt knowing she was taking a chance.  Fucking russians would take her apart in pieces if she left this compound alive.  We'll need to spread that Lia killed her before she could speak. But either way it shouldn't flash back on the club.  It'll be family business" Irish informed as he took a seat beside Reaper.

   "She dead?" Boomer questioned

   "Nope.  She talked first thinking it would get her out of here.  Now it's banshee time" Irish answered and had demon and a few others laughing.  As his women was witnessing it all Boomer wasn't one of them.  What Sin had told him this morning still had him a little worried about his girl.  She was strong but yesterday had shown that even the strongest crack.

  "Yo earth to Boomer" Ripper called out finally giving his arm a tap to get his attention.  In his other hand he held a stack of papers the top a listing for a small ranch style house.

  "If it was a though I worked out a deal with the lady who currently owns the house.  She's moving into one of our apartments and agreed to sell us the house" Reaper explained as Boomer took the stack of papers.

  "Brother it's the best gift you could ever give my sister.  A home.  Away from the clubhouse that she can make hers.  She's never had that." Holiday chimed in his voice for once serious as Boomer looked over the listing imaged.

   "Thank you brothers" was all he could get out before nodding to Holiday and Reaper know what the man had done for Sin without a second thought.  "I'll make it a surprise in a couple days" he then offered to the men as another plan settled into his mind. 

  When the meeting finally ended North was called in to talk to Ripper and Irish.  Taking a seat at the bar Waldo poured him a drink but then went to move away. 

  "It's not on you kid.  She fooled us all" Boomer stated getting the prospects attention as Reaper took a seat on one side of him and Holiday grabbed the seat on his other side.

  "Yes sir" Waldo answered clearly not really believing it.

   "Dude did you ever answer a question she asked about the club?  Or tell her where you were going?" Holiday questioned lightly

  "Never" the kid answered

   "Then not on you" Reaper dropped then pointing to the cooler for a beer which Waldo turned to get.  When he turned back to him Boomer could think of only one last assurance.  One they'd discussed in church just twenty minutes before.

   "Come with me" he ordered heading to the meeting room where the three men still sat talking.  Knocking Boomer openned the door and shot a look to Ripper before motioning Waldo in.  Leaving the kid standing just inside the closed door he went to the safe.  Pulling what he needed out Boomer turned and returned to Ripper holding out the new cut.  His friend caught on quick and stood as he took the cut.

   "Waldo, you've been one of the best of the best prospects this club has ever had.  You're loyalty was never under question.  Welcome to the brotherhood." Ripper stated handing over the cut before removing the jean ones all the propects wore.  Taking the new cut back the prez held it open so Waldo could slip into in.  Kid had tears in his eyes but held them back as he croaked a thank you.

   "Let's go anounce it them its time to party.  I think we all need a night to let loose" Boomer stated then lead the way back out to the bar and to Reaper who still sat at the bar.

  "Yo Old Lady Whisperer.  Any idea how we can get Brinn over here for the night while still complying with bedrest" he questioned and watched the brother considering it.

   "Yep, give me an hour.  It'll be in place by the time dinners done" Reaper asured and it had Boomer shaking his head cause he had no fucking idea how he was going to pull it off.  He didn't have much time to think of possibilities as Sin apeared at the top of the stairs a couple minutes later.

   "I hope you have a plan on how to get that look out of her eyes" Holiday ground out as they both saw the dull glazed took in her eyes.

  "Yep" was all he said as he was already moving.  Boomer was only a foot away when she jumped and wrapped herself around him.  Turning he got her out of the new clubhouse and over and up to their room. 

   In the bathroom he started the shower before stripping them both.  Then lifting her back into his arms he stepped in and under the spray.  After a few minutes under the warm spray Sin lowered her feet.  Turning her back to rest on his chest Boomer began with her hair.  First with her shampoo then conditioner.  Arm secure around her back he leaned her back into the spray to rinse.  Distracting with his lips and tounge on her neck.



    The women needed to die and Sin regretted nothing but the banshee was crazy as fuck.  What she'd witness gave light to how Liz could so easily slip into another piece of herself to do what was needed.  Having seen both Sin would take ring side to Liz anyday over her mother.

    Still it was alot and she'd left Sara below to finish watching as Claira bled out slowly.  Without a word to Lia she'd silently left the room and headed upstair.  And he'd been there.  Got her away and into a shower warming her when Sin hadn't even realized she'd been cold.

    Feeling his lips on her neck began to lift the numb that had taken her over.  Then his hands as he washed her body building an internal heat.  How she ended up pinned up against the wall Sin couldn't say.  But she came back fully and his thick cock stretched her in one deep thrust.

  "There's my girl" Boomer whispered looking into her eyes as he gave another deep thrust.

  "No talking.  Fuck me" she ordered

   "Yes Ma'am" she chuckled and did just that.  Screaming her first release Boomer soon followed.  Then once again gentle he washed her again.  Except this time she washing him too.

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