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     It took some time to calm B who now lay sleeping in the apartments single bed.  Grabbing a drink she took her spot on the couch.  Something just didn't add up.  Sure Ripper could be an ass and over protective where Brinn was concerned.  There was always a reason though.  So what hadn't he told them.  What threat did he know about.

   Sipping her drink Sin tried to puzzle it out when she was interupted by the bing of her phone.

Boomer:  I'll explain in the morning.  He has his reasons.  I need Oliver's information.  Call Smoke.

Sin:  Reason or not Ripper needs to hold his shit better.  I'm taking B to see her doctor in the morning.  Meet me at the dinner for lunch.  Night.

   Tonight she'd miss Boomer's presence.  He kept the dreams away.  Sending the information he wanted Sin then headed down to check everything was secure.  Then returning up stairs she slept a couple hours before the dreams came.

   Unable to fit behind the wheel Sin had drove B's truck to the appointment.  Down to Crow for protection she was armed just in case.  In the waiting room they's stayed silent until finally the nurse called them in.
When Sin went to stay seated B simply grabbed her hand and pulled her to the back.

   "Your blood presure it still to elevated for my liking.  I'm ordering bed rest.  You can either comply at home or next visit I'll be admitting you to hospital" the doctor warned after his exam. 

"What, no my business.."Brinn began to argue but Sin gave her a gentle nugde with a glare before she requested the doctor go over it for her more detailed.

"We'll make sure the hospital isn't nessessary" Sin told the doctor before he left Sin alone with a very pissed off B  "Breath down hun.  The anger and stress isn't helping the matter.  We'll figure it out.  Moss and I have the shop and Ollie will get cleared. " she told her friend then stepped out into the hall to call Boomer and give him the heads up.  Then as they headed back to the truck she asked Cindy Lou to meet them at the old club house.


   Sin's friend cleared with flying colours but he wasn't exactly thrilled.  Niether was Ripper who was now lookin like a real ass.  Niether of them had spoken to the women this morning.  Best they'd gotten was an update from Crow that they were quiet.

  They were mid workout when his cell rang and he answered seeing it was Sin.

  "B's on bed rest and on a zero stress diet from now to D day.   Gestational Hypertension.  So get your Prez's head wrapped around it before we get there.  Zero bullshit till she pops.  Otherwise they hospitalize her in two next week." Sin shot out and looking across the gym he saw Ripper watching him.

  "K i read up on it last night.  I'll handle it.  We'll also fill you in on what's going on.  You'll need to know" he offered knowing it should have been explained last night rather than Rip going on.

"Eta 20 min."she warned then hung up without another word. 


  With his women up in bed with Waldo at her beck and call it was time to explain to Sin.  Finding her in the dinning hall he had to wait as she was making calls.  First was Kaiah to set up rotating daily check ups between Cindy Lou and the other nurse.  Then at call to the new tattoo artist who she needed a better idea of arrival.  Last was Marvin at the shop and confirming she'd be in for the afternoon.  Also to start scedualling late appointments so she could cover some of B's clients.  Only when she was done did she head for his office.

  Sitting behind his desk both Switch and Boomer joined them.  Jumping right in Ripper explained what they knew so far about what was going on in New Orleans.  He answered what few questions she had but Ripper couldn't read how she was taking the new.

  "I'll get a burner from Crypt and contact some trusted people to see if I can't get more info.  If he's already ordered a hit my gag order is gone.  I'll blow the whistle to the club and let it implode." she stated voice completely neutral before she got up to leave for work.

  "Boomer, with B and Liz her you'll be on Sin with Holiday at the shop.  Sounds like she's planning to run late till North arrives" Ripper ordered and got a nod only before the big man headed out already calling Holiday to get his ass moving.

"You good man" Switch questioned knowing his stress level had just been jacked up.  Between the club and his old lady Ripper was spinning.

"As long as B's alright, I'll be good." he offered then left the office to go up and check on her. 


This chapter is rough.  Had a hard time with it but needed the details for the rest of the storyline.  Will be doing and overhaul during editting.  Next chapter will be a third party POV.  Chapter 14: Kaiah and Moss  Chapter 15: Ollie "North" and Smoke
Then back to Sin and Boomer in Chapter 16.


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