warm embrace

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He gasped, waking up almost immediately. Brad looked around for Chad in the bed yet nobody was there.
He found himself searching for chad around the house, finding him in the living room, clenching his teddy bear from Rey and mya tightly close. Chad was awake, the television silently playing cartoons, he was reading a book; it was a pocket full of stars.
“Chad go to bed,” Brad tiredly muttered. His voice had gone raspy as he was tired. Chad looked up at him but remained silent. They were speechless, unknowing what to say after what he heard a few hours ago.
“It’s 2:30 in the morning, you need sleep,” Brad demanded.
“I know it’s just, i- you looked so calm and I- ,” Chad stopped, they were about to lie to him, “after what you told me about Lucy I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable in any way and-“
“Chad, that was 4 years ago, I’m fine really,”
“But earlier you were really-“
“I was just having a moment you know, you’re not responsible if I’m upset and you don’t need to worry about it forever, if I wasn’t then i don’t know how I would bring myself to love you,”
Chad smiled up at the man in the doorway getting up and going to hold his hand. They went upstairs and snuggled into bed.
Chad felt himself being gripped tightly by his big teddy bear.
Brad couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night, he was caught up in the memories of lucy, he just wanted to forget. The night was warm yet they stayed huddled together, no matter the heat, the warm embrace is perfect.
Chad woke up to Brad playing with his hair, they tried not to move so that Brad wouldn’t stop. Chad gave in and turned around to face Brad after a while. They both smiled. Brad lay his hand on Chad’s cheek, feeling as their face became flushed and pink.
He started to rub his thumb on Chad’s sleepy face.
“Good morning,”
“It’s 1pm”
“Good afternoon,” Brad corrected himself. He got out of bed and started to dress himself. He paired a baggy green sweatshirt with baggy jeans.
“Okay chad you need to wake up,”
“Mmn,” chad moaned to indicate ‘no. Fuck off im tired’
“boi I will bodyslam you if you don’t get yo squiggly diggly ASS out of my bed.”

400 words

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