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Brad finished his cupcake and smiled at chad, “it’s on now,”
“Okay teddy bear,” Chad said. The boys continued on a conversation for a while before the rain decided to kick in, just a few drops at first, slowly escalating to it pouring down. They sprinted into a nearby hedge. The rain still seeped through but not as heavy as outside the hedge. Chad pulled out his phone to check his notifications.
‘ghosty boy: we should meet back at the motel after sundown how does everyone else feel about that?
episode lady: yeah, me and Mya already made it back
Me: let’s do this’
Chad put his phone away again and sat down on the dirt with Brad.
Brad stared at chad, mesmerised by his gorgeous brown eyes. Chad stared back, trying not to smile.
“I’m so tired,” Chad said, yawning. Brad huddled next to Chad and started cuddling him, holding Chad’s hand in the pocket of the hoodie. Chad heard the patters of the rain and almost fell asleep.
“I know you’re tired, but you can’t sleep now. Mainly because this is a public park,” Brad whispered. Chad turned to Brad and smiled softly.
“I won’t,” he whispered back.
Brad pulled away from Chad and rested his hand back on his face, rubbing his thumb on chad’s cheek. Brad leaned forward to chad.
“This better not be a trick this time,” Chad smirked.
“It’s not,” Brad let out. Chad felt brad’s warm lips against his in the cold. The weather was so cold, even under brad’s hoodie chad could feel it. Brad was wearing one of his other hoodies and could also feel the blunt cold, piercing at his face. Chad lay in brad’s arms and tried to keep warm.
“We have to go back to the motel,” Brad said, his voice shaking. He continued, “it’s gonna get dark soon anyways,” Brad could feel chad shaking and breathing heavily.
Chad stood up and noticed brad’s lips, they were a subtle shade of blue from the cold. It was still raining heavily around. Brad and Chad ran through the park and through the streets back to the motel, both were winded by the point they were back. Chad’s nose was running. He wiped his nose, sniffing. 
They walked back into the motel and were hit with a wave of warmth.
“Woah, you guys look awful,” Rae pointed out.
“Oh wow thank you sooooo much,” Brad said sarcastically, wiping the cold from his eyes. Brad sat down with Chad in one of the beds, wrapping them in a blanket. Brad and Chad helped each other dry their hair before Harris came back.
“It’s so fluffyyyyyyyyyy,” Chad exclaimed, ruffling brad’s hair.
Harris came back soon after and they all watched a movie, chad sniffling the whole time.
“You poor thing, chad you’ve got a cold,” mya said sympathetically.
“Nahhhh,” Chad brushed off, trying to mimic Brad. Mya looked at him for a moment then said, “chad, we lived together for 2 and a half years, I know when you have a cold,”
Chad moaned about how he didn’t want to rest and how he wanted to look for Toby as well. He eventually fell asleep in his bed next to Brad. The next morning, fog filled the world. Chad woke up to the sound of a kettle boiling. Rae was in the kitchen making soup.
She went over to Chad and gave him the soup,
“Mya told me to make you this apparently it’s your favourite,” chad peered at the soul in awe and smiled, going on to eat it.
Brad was still fast asleep by his side.
Chad settled down after drinking his soup to cuddle onto Brad.
“Idiots,” Rae whispered to herself, smiling at her friends before going to wake up Mya.

633 words

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