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Chad was a small, scrawny boy with dirty blonde hair, he always wore a hoodie with strings he would chew from time to time. Chad was quiet and reserved when you first meet him but gradually get louder and more wild as you got to know him. Chad was also very clingy towards his loved ones.
Meanwhile, Brad was a complete party animal and would have confidence in speaking to strangers. Brad would have many girlfriends but none of them would last very long, he never really loved any woman.

Chad was in the library curled up at the back reading a thick book. He heard heavy footsteps coming towards him. Chad quickly shoved his bookmark into the book and slammed it shut, making a little too much noise.
"Huh? Who's there?!" An unfamiliar voice said, panicked. Chad remained dead silent, more quiet than a mouse. The voice continued, "if you don't come out right now, I will hurt you! I happen to have lots of friends who I have met at parties and trust me, they do a lot of damage!" Chad flung his hand over his mouth, sweating, trying not to make a sound with his heavy breathing.
"Found you!" The voice exclaimed. Chad squeaked a bit at the sight of the mysterious figure. He stuttered, "wh- who are you?" The other boy stood up with confidence, giving Chad a hand up, "I'm Brad, your local hot guy with luscious dark, brown hair," he boasted. Chad had to admit to himself, the guy was very hot and his hair was extravagant and soft. Chad laughed nervously then said, "I'm Chad, and I'm thirteen, turning fourteen later this year," Brad smiled reassuringly at Chad and gave him a pat on the shoulder. Chad was shocked but somewhat comforted then said confused, "you don't seem like the kind of guy to read?" Brad replied, "I'm not, I'm just here to get my girlfriend Lucy a book," Chad thought to himself, 'well of course he has a girlfriend look at him, so handsome. Wait what am I saying, we just met!' Brad pulled a thumbs up then walked away awkwardly, Chad sitting back down on his bean bag to continue reading his book.
Over the following week, Chad had forgotten all about that encounter and just saw it as another 'meeting a hot person but it never going anywhere' sort of thing, however it did eventually mean something...
The next Monday, Chad joined a new school and was introduced to a new class of peers. Chad had joined Carterton college Rutland. It was a huge school, larger than his last and he had joined the class 7mx4. A class that had a vast variety of students, including Brad, the guy he met at the library. Brad waved to him, smiling, Chad shyly waved back, smiling a little bit. Mrs Searle showed Chad to the class as he introduced himself. Chad was very nervous with all these new people but he soon settled with a group of people (mya, Rae, Toby, Brad, Lucy and Jess). Chad had a great time over the next few weeks with his friends but he eventually caught feelings for Brad, but Brad wasn't single he couldnt have him... Toby always seemed sad, Chad learnt about a boy named Harris who Toby was In love with, however Harris suddenly passed away...
Chad kept his feelings inside for the next week but as term break approached Chad's feelings grew stronger and his facade weakened.

My friend wrote this
591 words

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