knock on the door

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Chad and Brad could barely sleep that night, the thought of Toby not accompanying them was painful to even think about, let alone deal with.
Brad was gripped tightly to Chad for the whole night, however Chad didn't push him away. He loved the feeling of being cuddled, it made him feel safe and supported.
Brad was fiddling with Chad's dirty blonde hair until sunrise, then falling asleep finally. Chad woke up early and carefully slipped out of the sofa and into the kitchen to pour himself a coffee, keeping Brad in mind by also making him a coffee.
Brad wondered off the settee and heard a noise in the kitchen. He saw chad in there, taking out some toast from the toaster. He slowly drifted to Chad and hugged him from behind, kissing his neck.
Chad felt butterflies infest his stomach as he blushed, putting his left hand over his face, smiling super hard.
Chad eventually settled and continued spreading butter on the toast, Brad still hugging him.
"Good morning doll," Brad said sweatily.
"Lovely morning teddy," Chad smiled.
"Do you want some of this toast?" Chad asked politely. Brad shook his head then realised Chad couldn't see his face.
"Nm mn," Brad groaned, to say 'no'. Chad turned around to Brad and looked up at his tired boyfriend then said, "but what about breakfast?"
"I've got work in an hour, I've not got the time," Brad reminded Chad. Chad looked to the floor then grabbed the toast and shoved it into brad's mouth. He bit into it then put the remaining bread on the side.
"Remember what I said last night?" Brad whispered into Chad's ear. Chad went red, then covered his face with his hands to hide himself blushing.
Brad worked as librarian in their local library, he took the job after learning about Chad's passion for reading, even though the job wasn't at Chad's regular library and it gave Brad a chance to not be too stressed about work as he was still in school, however it was the summer at this time.
After Brad left for work, Chad was left alone at home. He glared at the pictures on the sideboard and smiled but then there was a knock at the door. Chad flinched at the sound then went to answer his door. A boy, about average height for his age was in his door step. He had blonde, shiny hair, landing just above his shoulders.
"Is Tobias fryett home?" He asked, his voice was quite high. Chad, remembering the situation with Lucy, questioned, "who are you?"
"I'm an old friend of his, you may have heard of me before," the guy explained.
"Tyler?" Chad gasped out. He sighed then said, "Harris," chad took a step back.
"It can't be," Chad was loosing his breath.
"I wasn't actually dead," Harris explained, "it was just assumed by Toby and Mya."
Chad let Harris inside and got him some tea and biscuits as Harris explained everything he knew. Chad could barely wrap the concept round his head, having to have Harris explain things more than once.
"So that's it," Harris sighed. Chad frowned.
"I'm so so sorry this had to happen to you," Chad muttered sympathetically. Out of nowhere, Mya crashed through the door.
"CHAD HARRIS ISNT-" she almost fainted at the sight of Harris, Rae helping her up.
"He- I-" she stuttered.
"Honestly, I don't even know how I'm alive either Mya," Harris explained. Mya laughed nervously then sat down, rubbing her temples. Rae sighed, "what are going to do now?" Chad looked up at them, hope in his eyes.
"We need to find Toby."

609 words

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