One of the guys || chapter ten

Start from the beginning

"I heard you've been killing people lately," A croaky voice pointed out, their voice sounding familiar.

You could somehow hear their smile as they spoke, and as soon as you turned around, you saw someone that you only half expected. You kinda expected it to be Fries, but it was actually Snowball. They have the same voice.

He had a smirk on his face, and he leaned his elbow on the lemon tree like he was trying to tower over you. "Didn't you call me a 'wuss'?" You scrunch your nose. He just chuckled to himself. "That was before you had a kill count,"

You then freeze. Wait! He didn't want to talk with me when I first arrived because I didn't kill anyone at the time.. and now he's talking with me because I have... You stared at the snowball. That's fucked up. You thought as you quickly asked. "If you wouldn't speak to me because I didn't kill anyone, then why did you bandage my hand a few months ago?"

Snowball's smile faltered as soon as you asked that question. He looked around in awkwardness, crossing his arms, remembering that time he was nice to you. "I.. don't have an excuse for that," He blurted out, looking down at his feet. You just nodded, still thinking about any reason he would do that for you. "But anyway..." He then smiled, grabbing your arm and basically dragging you away from the lemon tree.

"How many people have you killed?" His smirk just grew wider at your question. "Dozens," ..Wow, he actually sees that as an achievement. You thought, a tiny smile growing on your face. "But now that you actually have a kill count, and that's shown me that you are not weak, you have to meet the gang!" You did not want to meet 'the gang', but Snowball didn't let you speak for yourself, he just dragged you away by your sleeve.

Pie came back at that moment, only to see you being forcefully pulled away by Snowball. She just shook her head and grabbed the cup you had, she then walked back inside.

This cold ball of snow dragged you all the way to all of those benches, where the pen, and the eraser was. There were four bowls of...what looked like noodles, and beside the bowls were chopsticks.

And actually, now that you think about it.. you haven't spoken to Pen since you escaped from that jawbreaker. He looked at you, along with the Eraser looking in your direction. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" The pen asked, looking quite confused, and the eraser just stayed quiet.

"They wanted to eat with us," Snowball lied. You just look down at him, confused on why he lied, but you just exhaled through your nose and looked back at the other two. Pen's eyebrows quickly raised at the lie, he seemed to actually believe it, but not at the same time. Eraser just looked back at Pen. "We really gonna let this... thing hang out with us?" He sounded annoyed at the thought of it.

Pen just looked at Snowball and quickly nodded, picking up the chopsticks. "Yeah, besides, Blocky is busy and we already made a fourth bowl of noodles. Also I don't think any of us will be brave enough to eat two full bowls..." Snowball's smile grew at Pen's agreement. You just looked at the noodles, your mouth already watering at just the sight of food that aren't just snacks, or sugar-filled desserts.

Snowball might've forced you to hang out against your will, but you're still hungry. The only thing you had consumed today was (F/d), and a single bite of Pie, because she let you eat a small chunk of her..

The ball of snow then quickly and ..happily? dragged you to the bench. He sat down, and you sat next to him, which also happens to be beside Pen. Eraser just grabbed his chopsticks and looked up at you. "So, why do you want to eat with us?" "Oh- um.. I was just hungry, and... I was told you guys"

You tried your absolute best to come up with a good lie, but that's what came out of your mouth..? Really?

"Yeah, actually, I saw someone talking to you about us," Pen joined in, beginning to eat the noodles. You just looked at Pen, being a little confused, but you soon realized he was covering for you. Snowball didn't seem to notice, or care, though.

You then looked down at the bowl of noddles in front of you, it seemed to be a slight tinted shade of red. You just shrugged and tried to pick up the chopsticks.

It took you a moment to get it perfect, Pen had to help you, but you still got it. You then all ate the bowls of noodles together. It was extremely spicy, but you somehow pulled through the pain and ate the entire bowl.

Eraser ate all of it in about three minutes, his face red from the spiciness. Pen could only eat half of the noodles, you asked him why and he just said that he doesn't really have a big appetite in general.

...Snowball on the other hand..

He nearly screamed by how spicy it was.

Apparently a snowball isn't great at digesting spicy foods, or just any hot foods in general. He actually had to take about five breaks before finishing the entire bowl. You told him to stop, since he was starting to melt, but he just ignored you. He nearly melted himself out of existence, but turns out there was a cooler filled with ice for him, so he's fine.

The sun was almost down when you all finished the bowls, the day was basically was over, so Eraser went back inside. But Snowball and Pen stayed a little longer to speak to you.

"Today was great, thanks for hangin' out with us," Snowball patted your shoulder, you smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I really liked today," Pen agreed, a soft smile painted onto his face. The snowball then let out a big yawn, making you do the same, along with Pen.

"Well.. I think I'm gonna go inside, I'll see ya tomorrow, (Y/n)," Snowball patted your shoulder once more before walking over to the tiny building.

As soon as he walked inside, Pen started to speak. "Hey, thanks for not.. walking away, or just telling Snowball to stop. I know Snowball can be a lot sometimes," He scratched the back of his head. You just awkwardly smiled. "He's just excited to have someone else in the gang, especially you, since you are stronger than everyone else here," Pen added.

Well, that is true.. but that's only because I actually have bones, and the rest just have noddle limbs. It's not a fair fight...

"Yeah, but why was he acting so.. kind to me today? He fucking hated me when I first appeared," You furrow your eyebrows at just the thought. Pen just let out a soft sigh. "I'm not really sure, he just spoke about how you're going to join," "But I didn't want to," You growled, why would Snowball just say you're joining a gang without actually asking if you wanted to?

"Then I don't know, he's just been talking about you a lot lately, it's weird, he never acts this way.." He scratched the back of his head once more as he started to walk away. "But anyway.. I think I should go back inside too, Death Pact locks the door at a certain time, so I need to get in before they lock it," He explained. "Bye (Y/n)!" He waved as he began to run towards the underground building.

You were then left there, wondering what Pen meant by that. You soon went inside the underground building as well, still feeling tired from the food. As you walked down each floor, each door made different noises, just like the first time you walked down.

You eventually made it to your door and apparently Balloony wondered where you went, since you weren't there sooner. You told him you were hanging out with Snowball and went to your shared room before he could even react.

Woody was already asleep on the bottom bunk, you just let out a soft sigh and climbed up to the top bunk. You're still surprised this thing doesn't break every time you get on top.

It took you a while to go to sleep because of the spiciness of the noddles, but you eventually fell asleep with a full stomach..

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