a dark lunch break || Chapter three

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(Y/n) = your name

You stared at the grass, just listening to everything that's going on. It's been fourteen days since the last time you saw X and Four. But you did find out many things in the past fourteen days. And you found out, that this isn't a dream, you're trapped here, that you now have to bathe in the ocean, and that you apparently have to eat the other contestants to survive-

But as you listened, you felt a pain in your stomach. "Shit.." You hiss, grabbing at your belly from the pain. "Ow.." You mutter as you slowly stand up and off the grass. Your stomach growled and hollered for you to shove something in your gob. You haven't eaten in two days, because apparently it's rude to eat people alive.

Now, you wanted to look around to see where some food is. But instead you looked around, and immediately saw the red and yellow box. Fries. He was speaking with Puffball. Your mouth just watered at the sight of the fries inside of him.

Your stomach growled as you somehow managed to step over and get directly behind Fries, still holding your stomach. He didn't even notice you walking behind him at first, but Puffball did. She just asked. "Hey, you?" Of course she doesn't know your name, nobody besides your team does-

"Hey-" You coughed and quickly grabbed a big fry from Fries' head. "Excuse you!" He angrily shouted in your face, turning around to see one of his fries in your arms. He crossed his arms and stared at you as you just bite on the giant french fry in your arms.

And to your surprise, it actually tastes good, better than any other fries you've tasted in your life. "Mm-" You continue to eat the giant fry and walk away from the now-angry box of french fries.

When Leafy saw what you did, she immediately walked up to you and began to ask you. "(Y/n), why did you steal that?" You just shrug your shoulders and take another bite of the big fry. "I'm hungry, I haven't eaten all day.." She then told you. "You still shouldn't have stolen it! Stealing is bad, and I know that a little too well.."

Leafy sounded a little sad as she said her second sentence. You just repeat. "I haven't eaten all day, I'm hungry-" Leafy then asks. "Well, you don't need to eat, right?" "What. no- I DO, you don't?" You say, taking another big bite, already being halfway done with the french fry. She just shook her head.

"Some of us don't eat at all, but some others just eat because food tastes good to them," Leafy explains. "Well, what else do you guys eat besides just eating the others alive?" You ask, sitting down in front of the tiny leaf. She also sits on the hard-yet-soft grass as well, probably thinking that this conversation is going to last a while.

Leafy just thinks for a moment before she then told you. "Well, Pin has blueberry seeds, but they explode when fully grown, but she can also bake cakes! The cake at Cake At Steak, but that would be a risk- Stapy can bake pies! And..um..." She tries thinking some more, but can't really think of anything else. "Uh, I think that's it..?" Leafy says, not too sure if that's true or not.

"Ah, well, I guess I'm visiting Stapy when it's time for dinner-" You quietly mutter under your breath, eating another big chunk of the salty french fry. "Mmm-" You hum, shutting your eyes as you chew softly. Again, it tastes better than any other fries you've eaten back at home..

it's just- *chef kiss* scrumptious...

Of course, that moment was when Four screamed, scaring you, and many others. "LET'S DO CAKE AT STEAK!" You flinched, accidentally dropping the big fry on the ground. The theme of cake at steak then played as Four gathered every member of iance and put each of them on a pillar.

You didn't even pay attention, you just gripped your throat as you tried your best to let out a cough, but the cough you tried to muster, wasn't getting out. Instead, it was stuck in your throat, like the big chunk of that damn french fry you bit. Goddamn it, you're choking-

And you'd think the others would try to help you. But instead they all just focused their attention on the Cake At Steak.


"Fanny is safe with 1731 votes," Four said, drawing a long line on the board with the indigo crayon. Pencil and Match then gasped. "Wait, that means..." Match whispers to herself. Her best friend was just standing there in shock, unknowingly letting the situation play out. "With 4595 votes, Pencil is eliminated!"

Four finishes the votes, drawing a very long line with the yellow crayon before then putting the crayon down. "That's the biggest ever!" X cheers, jumping in the air happily. "Oh yeah!!"

"QUICK! Match! Activate the elimination prevention pla-" Pencil didn't even have enough time to finish her panicked sentence before she was then pulled into Four by an unknown force. She screamed in both pain and fear before fully disappearing. Four just blinked, still keeping that same smile on their face.

After that, iance spoke for a few minutes about what to do now that Pencil is gone from the team. But then Saw came complaining to Four about her entire team being dead, besides Dora. Then Stapy shared his moment to complain as well, and soon enough, everyone was complaining about all the dead contestants.

"Four, can you try recovering (Y/n)? They're dead-" Blackhole asked the Algebrailen, but their voice was blocked by everyone else's shouting and complaining. Good to know somebody noticed your dead body though-

Four just stood there, his unnerving smile slowly turning into an angry frown. "FINE! I will only recover one person!" Four shouted. "Recover (Y/-" Blackhole tried repeating, but he was cut off by Saw, then Saw was cut off by Stapy, and then Stapy was cut off by Grassy. Four smiled again, bringing back just Tennis Ball.

Everyone then started complaining again, just making Four even angrier. "FINE! YOUR NINE DEAD FRIENDS ARE NOW IN NINE OF THOSE JAW BREAKERS! But most are empty- FIND ANY PERSON IN A JAWBREAKER TO MAKE YOUR TEAM WIN!!"

"THE LAST TEAM TO FIND A CONTESTANT WILL BE PUNISHED!!!" Four angrily screamed at all of them.


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