One of the guys || chapter ten

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This is the longest chapter in this book so far, so you can tell I worked hard on this-

Also if I misspelled anything, please tell me I'm horrible at reading over stuff.

(Y/n) = your name
(F/n) = Favorite drink

Everything changed for you after that moment. You were so hurt by the others not spending time with you that you had began to think everyone was like that, but those girls completely changed your thoughts on objects...

Everything is fine, the relationships you have with the three are good. Bubble likes to swing on the seesaw-swing set with you. Pie usually plays tic-tac-toe with you now, you mostly lose, but you're still hanging out with her. And Saw likes to pick flowers and make these cute little flower-crowns with you, she can never make her crowns just the right size for your head though.

The best thing is, almost every time you're around at least one of these three, you'll meet someone new. Last week Cake wanted to play tic-tac-toe with you and Pie, and you ended up speaking about a lot of things while playing.

When you first appeared, you just thought Cake was someone you could have for dessert, but he's actually a nice guy.

But now you're drinking some (drink) with Pie. She just wanted to relax for the rest of day, since she had such a long day. But she didn't want to be left alone while relaxing, and you were the only one who was available. You actually enjoyed the idea of just relaxing together, since you mostly spend your time with Bubble, or Saw.

Other objects passed by the two of you, not saying a word to either of you as they passed.

You just smiled softly as you sipped on the drink, leaning on a tall lemon tree with the small blueberry pie. She then looked at you and began, with obvious great hesitation in her voice. "(Y/n), ever since you've eaten me and then we started to hang out.. I've just always thought..." She struggled to put the words into a full sentence that will actually make sense.

"How many people have you killed?" Your eyebrows raised from shock at the pie's question. Wow- I did not expect that.. You thought, looking down at her, remembering that one of the others asked you the exact same question when you first arrived. "Um.. does killing the same person each day count as well? Because I've been eating Taco for five days.." You awkwardly smiled at her.

She just nodded, softly closing her eyes. "Then that's a problem. I've been meaning to speak to you about this for a while," She added, taking a small sip from her green tea as she spoke. You exhaled through your nose.

"I know you're against the whole killing thing.. But I literally need to eat people to survive here because Four won't give me actual food, and you guys don't even need to eat.. so nobody here makes food on a regular basis," You explained. The exploding blueberry pie just nodded, understanding what you're trying to tell her. "I get it, (Y/n), but maybe you should try to learn to cook for you own..?" She offered.

You just looked down at her. "...Listen, I am a lazy bitch, and I know I'll forget everything about cooking a day later," Pie nodded once more, taking another sip from her warm green tea. "So maybe you should just leave me be, and I'll deal with the consequences?" You tried your best to not be mean to her, but the way you worded it sounded like you were trying to be.

That seems like the most responsible thing in mind. You thought, seeing a silhouette of someone of the corner of your eye. "I understand, but I'll be back, (Y/n), I ran out of tea," She casually walked away, leaving room for someone to just walk in and mess with you..

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