It's Complicated

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"I'm guessing u want to go back home, huh?" I ask him as we get back inside the house

"Yeah, if your dad doesn't need me anymore!"

"He never needed u, Oliver...He thought about keeping u busy so I could be free to think without distractions; they never needed me at work either!"

"Right, u left to think...u came back rather quickly!"

"Yes, as it turns out I already knew what I should do, but I hadn't realized it until I spent the first night away from u...for once I didn't struggle to go to sleep thinking about the next day!"

"So, why didn't u come sooner then?"

"I was packing my things..."

"U packed your things?" he asks, sounding hurt

"Yes, I thought u going back and seeing all my stuff will hurt u more, and then it would be way more difficult for me to come pick them up!"

"And where did u take them?" he asks and I look down, not knowing what to answer

"To the new guy, huh?"


"Who is he anyway? How long has he been around that u're already ready to move in with him?"

"It's complicated and, honestly, I wouldn't want to talk about him now..."

"Do I even know him? Have u ever mentioned him? Is he an ex? A colleague? Someone from the university? Another professor? A friend of Nicky's fiancé?"

"None of the above, please, don't ask more, I'm sure u'll learn about it soon enough!"

"U said that he hadn't told u how he feels before u realize I'm not what u want, so I guess he did it while u were in New Haven?"

"Yes, 2 days ago, actually!"

"And u're moving in with him after 2 days? It took us 2 years!"

"I told u, it's complicated!"

"It always is with u, Felicity! Does he know about that?"

"Trust me, he knows it better than u!"

"I just hope he's indeed what u want, I want u to be happy!"

"I want u to be happy too! And I'm sorry things ended like that, I swear I never wanted to hurt u!"

"Yeah, I believe that! We may not be perfect for each other, but we spent enough time together to know that u're not a bad person! As a lawyer, I have the ability to understand when someone is a bad person or not!"

"I'm glad to hear that! The worst I could think of while thinking what to tell u, was u hating me!"

"I could never hate u, Felicity! Not after all our good times! I'd like to think u were happy at some point... "

"I was never happy, Oliver...not because of u, but because of my messy life...I had so much going on all these years that u have no idea about! I could never fully enjoy life with u because I was always trying to keep up with everything, and I'm sorry I can't tell u about it!"

"Look, I'm not stupid, I understand that u haven't been faithful to me..."

"I wish it was only that..."

"Do the other things affect me or us directly?"

"Not really..."

"Then u don't have to tell me! And don't worry, I won't tell people that u have cheated on me! Just tell me it wasn't a secret affair!"

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