I Didn't...

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The next week, I have scheduled to go have the abortion. The night before, we're both kinda awkward, not knowing if we should talk about it or not, so we end up saying nothing! In order to not to have this kind of awkwardness on the way to the clinic and while we wait for me to go in, I have Nicky take me and be with me and, also I have arranged to sleep at her place for a couple of days to be calmer


Aaron's P.O.V

As I'm in my home office, trying to work and not to think about Felicity until she calls me, I hear the doorbell ringing

"Claire? Can u get that?" I yell but I don't get a reply

"Claire?" I yell louder

"Bathroom!" I hear her yelling back so I get up and go to the door. When I open it, I see Felicity standing there

"Felicity? Wha-What are-"

"I didn't..." she says cutting me off

"U- u didn't?" I ask with wide eyes

"I didn't!" she repeats smiling and I leave a big breath I was holding since I opened the door, pulling her into a tight hug

"U didn't!" I say holding her close, with my lips pressed on her head

"Get a room!" I hear Claire say from behind us and I loosen my grip a little

"U knew about it, right?" I ask her turning my head to look at her, as Felicity pushes the door with her foot to close it

"Well, I figured! She texted me about 10 minutes ago not to open the door, so I guessed it!"

"How come? I mean, not that I'm complaining or anything, but...why?" I ask turning to Felicity again, pulling a little away to look at her better

"I just couldn't! I couldn't throw away something we made together! Yeah, I'm very young, yeah I'm still trying to find myself, yeah it was unexpected and I don't feel ready, but I have u and I believe we'll be great parents, even under those circumstances, because we love each other and we have each other's backs! Right?" she asks looking me deep in my eyes

"Right!" I say smiling widely and pull her into my arms again, kissing her

"God, this kid is doomed!" Claire says and we chuckle on each other's lips

"So doomed!" Felicity says with her eyes sparkling

"It won't know what hit it!" I reply and we kiss again

"Thank God it will have me to shave it from u!" Claire says again and I roll my eyes

"U have so little faith in us, don't u?" I ask her

"Well, I'm mostly kidding, but look at u! U're 45, with a daughter only a year older than your fiancé, who by the way was engaged to someone else 2 weeks ago! And u don't even really know each other! So, yeah, I'm kinda afraid of what will happen to this kid..."

"Well, all those are valid concerns, but I really think we can do this successfully! I believe in us, I believe that we'll last in time and that we'll be happy! I'm a very logical person, so, believe me when I tell u that I thought very well about it!"Felicity tells her

"Well, having spent 3 years sleeping on the bed next to u, I know u enough to know that u wouldn't decide something so important without having thought about it well, so, ok, I won't doubt u anymore! *turns to me* But if u don't do right by her and the baby, I swear to God, u'll never see me again and I'll make sure she'll take even your boxers in the divorce!" she tells me, coming close and pointing her finger at me, looking at me straight in the eyes

"Jesus! It's like u're sisters or something! U have the same look when u're being serious!" I say looking at them alternately, scared at how similar they are

"I guess u can say that it was meant for us to be family!" Felicity says looking at her

"I don't know if I'm scared or excited that u get along so well!"

"Imagine if the baby is also a girl! U won't know where to hide!" Claire says

"God, help me!" I say looking up and they both laugh

"Anyway, I should probably lay down now, because with all the tension from yesterday I haven't slept at all and I think I'll pass out any time now!" Felicity says and I immediately release her from my grip

"Yeah, of course! Do u need anything?"

"No no, I'm ok! Please don't start being paranoid! I'm healthy, I'm young, so there's no reason for u to be overprotective or treat me differently! Not yet at least, ok? I can do things on my own, and I sure can ask for help if I need it!"

"Yes, ok, u're right, I'm sorry! I just didn't go through that with Claire and I don't know how to act, but I think I can tone it down..."

"U don't have to worry about it, I understand u're anxious and u feel kinda awkward, but I promise u that if I need anything, I'll ask! U just make sure to show up at the appointments with the doctor and of course when I give birth, because I swear, if u miss even one appointment due to something unimportant, I will be very mad!" she says and at the end she has the same look as Claire before

"Ok ok! I promise I won't! Jesus!" I say raising my hands in the air and they laugh again

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