I Don't Know

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The next morning, Aaron and I go to the doctor together

"So, here we are, Felicity, huh?" The doctor asks me when I lay down

"Yes, here we are! U didn't expect it to be this soon, huh?"

"Well, u've been with Oliver a long time, it was bound to happen someday!" She says and I look at Aaron who stands in the corner near the door

"It might not be Oliver's..." I say hesitantly and she freezes

"Shit, Felicity! I never thought u'd be in this kind of pickle! I've known u since u were 16 and I thought that if u don't end up pregnant from a one-night stand, u'd get pregnant when u'd be ready to have a family..."

"Things don't always go as planned, right?"

"Right..." she says and then she puts the stick in my vagina

"How does it feel?" Aaron asks and we both look at him with a raised eyebrow and he immediately regrets asking

"Uncomfortable!" I say

"Is he potential father #2?"

"Yes..." I say and she sizes him up before turning her eyes to the screen

"Ok, so, u are indeed pregnant, congratulations!"

"How far along?"

"Between 2 and 3 weeks, I can't be more specific..." She says and I look at Aaron again

"Is-is it mine?" he asks getting his back off the wall

"Well, I haven't had sex with Oliver for about 3 weeks, so, yeah...it's yours!" I say and he comes close to look at the screen

"Is it there?"he asks, pointing at the screen

"Yes! Good catch!" the doctor says and I look at where he points at, putting my hand on my mouth, tearing up

"Yeah, I have done that before..." he says looking at the screen mesmerized

"Of course u have..." she replies disparagingly

"Lucy!" I scold her

"Sorry, didn't want to judge, I swear!"

"It's ok..." Aaron says and then takes my hand and kisses it

"So, are u going to keep it?" she asks me

"I-I don't know..."

"U don't?" they both ask at the same time

"No, I don't...I thought I did, but now, I'm not sure...A part of me wished that it was just an anomaly and that I wasn't really pregnant!"

"Well, u have about 6 weeks to decide!" she tells me taking the stick out

"Can we have a picture?"

"Yeah, sure!" she says and after cleaning the stick and putting it back to its place, she gets up and gets our photo ready, while I get dressed


"So, do u want me to drop u back at the house?" he asks when we get in the car

"Yes, I want to think..." she answers looking out the window

"Ok..." I reply and I start the car

"If u want to weigh in, now is the time, though..." she says turning to look at me and I stop the car again, turning on the side to look at her

"Do u want me to weigh in?"

"I'd like to have another opinion, u're the father after all and we're supposed to live the rest of our lives together, so yeah, I want to know your opinion..."

"Ok...as u know, I already have a daughter, but I didn't see her growing up, I wasn't even in the room when she was born! So, I'd like to experience that and to try to do things the right way! I thought I didn't want children in general, but now that I found u, I realized that I'd love to make a little human with u! I think u'll be a great mom and it could help me be a better person too, because since Clair forgave me, I already feel a better person! But I don't know your take on kids..."

"I want to have a family someday, but after planning, not by accident!"

"Right...so, If we say that we don't have this baby and we wait until u feel ready, then it might be 10 years from now, and I wouldn't want to be in my 50s when I have a baby! So, to sum up, I would love to have this baby with u! If we keep it, I promise to do everything in my power to help u and to be a good father, even though I don't know how, but who knows, really! But, I wouldn't want u to be pressured to have this baby if u don't feel ready! U're gonna have the hardest job anyway, no matter how much I help, so it's really up to u! And, let's be honest, I would like to stop sharing u! First it was Oliver and now the baby! U were never actually mine and if we have the baby u will never be! Did I help u at all?"

"Honestly? no!" I say chucking

"I'm sorry..."

"It's ok, I'll figure it out..."

"I'm sure u will..."

"Meanwhile, I have to go back to New Orleans..."

"When are u planning on doing that?"

"Tomorrow...I only have a few more things to put in boxes and then I'm ready!"

"Do u want me to come get a few of your things and bring them to my house?"

"Can u? Because I'm sure Oliver won't stay a minute longer after I break the news to him and I want him to find his house empty of my things!"

"Of course I can! I will take what u have ready today and tomorrow, before taking u to the airport, I can come get the last ones!"

"Thank u! For everything! I really need this kind of support right now, I feel so overwhelmed that I think that if I was all alone I would just sit on the floor and cry!"

"Well, u're not alone! I meant everything I said yesterday! I'm all in! I'm not letting u go again!" he says making me tear up and I just hug him without saying anything

After we break the hug, he gives me a kiss and we leave.

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