Cuddle With me

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"Shh, it's me!" Felicity says whispering, standing at the door in her underwear and a t-shirt

"What are u doing up at *checks watch* 5 in the morning?"

"I kept thinking of u sleeping in the next room and I couldn't sleep... Will u cuddle with me?"

"Felicity, please, go back to Claire's room, she's gonna notice u're missing..."

"U clearly don't know your daughter! She's sleeping like a bear in hibernation, she won't wake up until late in the morning... Please! I can't sleep without someone cuddling me..."

"U're drunk, I'm not coming near u!"

"It wore off, I promise, I can walk a straight line if u want!"

"Why are u doing this?" I ask her indignantly

"I'm not asking u to fuck me! Just to hold me to sleep! I promise I won't try anything!" she says and her wide big brown eyes, don't let me say no again

"Fine! If u try anything, I'll take u back!"

"Deal!" she says and quickly comes and gets under the covers,with her back to me. I put my arm around her waist, but I try not to go too close. Soon, though, she sticks her body on mine, making me flinch a little, since her ass is on my cock. My plan is to stay awake the rest of the night to make sure neither of us does anything we shouldn't do, but I make the mistake to put my nose in her hair to smell it, resulting in me falling asleep


In the morning, I feel her moving a little, so I immediately wake up, trying to stop my cock from rising, but I fail miserably, making her wake up completely and turn to me

"Rise and shine, sailor!" she says smiling

"I think it's time for u to get back to Claire..."

"Now? The fun just started!" she says putting her hand inside of my boxers, but I quickly take it off

"Felicity, no!"

"Oh come on! I know u want to!"

"It doesn't matter if I do! My daughter,  who's also your friend, is in the other room and, also, u're engaged!"

"Are those the only reasons u can find?"

"They're the best reasons! I'm sure I'll think of more if I keep thinking! Don't u feel bad about your perfect fiancé?"

"It won't be the first time..."

"It won't, yeah, but u felt pretty bad the last time..."

"The last time was different!"

"Of course it was, now u're about to get married!"

"When did u become so uptight?"

"When did u become a slut?"

"I'm what u made me!"

"I didn't make u anything, Felicity! U had choices!"

"Right, and I have a choice now as well... And so do u!" she says and gets up to stand on the bed

"So *takes off t-shirt* what's it gonna be? Yes or no? I'm not gonna ask again, this is your final chance!" she says kneeling on top of me, straddling me

"Oh, screw it !" I say raising my torso, pulling her from her neck into a kiss.

She pushes me back as we kiss hungrily, rubbing her crotch on mine, while the sheets are between us, and roams her hands to my body. I put my free hand on her thigh, slowly moving it up her ass, squeezing it, making her moan a little in the kiss. She starts trailing her way from my lips to my neck, leaving a few bites and then she continues her way to my chest, to my abdomen, pulling the sheets away. The whole way, she let's her nipples drag on my skin, making me hornier.

When she reaches my V line, she grabs my boxers and pulls them down, while keeping eye contact, with me looking at her with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth, panting. When I kick them off, she gets between my legs and lowers her head, taking a good lick from the bottom of my cock to the top. I flinch a little, making her giggle, before putting it in her mouth and closing her lips around it. She has my cock in the one hand, as the other grips on my thigh...

Felicity's P.O.V

Seeing him so vulnerable under my touch, moaning with his head tilted back, makes me feel so empowered, and that makes me give my all to what I'm doing. Since I'm so determined to make him cum for me, I start massaging his balls, but soon he grabs me by my hair and pulls me up

"Enough playing!" he says with a rough voice, looking me deep in the eyes

"No mister, u don't call the shots! Not today!" I say looking at him back, catching him by surprise, and he releases my hair. I proceed by getting up the bed again and I remove my panties, but instead of lowering myself on his hips, I reach for his head

"I've seen people doing it, wanna try it if u don't mind..." I say getting down on his face carefully, without waiting for an answer. He loses no time, wrapping his arms from under my thighs and starts returning the favor. I'm so overwhelmed by his tongue skills that I can barely contain my screams, so I bite on my lower lip very hard and dig my nails in his biceps, while my eyes roll back like they never have.

"Ok, stop!"I say just before I cum, since I know that I won't be able to keep myself from screaming, putting my hand on his forehead to stop him.

Without saying anything, he gets his body up and drops me to the bed. Before I even manage to react, he thrusts inside me and starts moving quickly, grabbing me from my hips. I wrap my hands around his wrists and try to be as quiet as I can, but it comes out like a very high pitched whining, so he puts his hand on my mouth

"Be a good daddy's girl and stay quiet!" he says in a deep voice next to my ear, and his breath, that hits my neck makes me cum hard and loudly, so I grab his hand that's on my mouth, with both hands and shut my eyes. He lets me finish and when I relax my muscles a little he turns us, so I'm on top.

I take control and start moving my hips slowly, with my hands on his abdomen, looking at him with parted lips and with my moans barely coming out. Soon, I pick up the pace, and he digs his fingers on my ass, as I lean a little forward. He bends his knees, and starts moving his hips too. My hands start to shake, so I lay completely on him and he raises his one hand up my back, to the back of my head, pulling me into a kiss, which thankfully chokes my screams, since I have another orgasm. This time he doesn't stop to wait for me to finish; instead he keeps thrusting, until he cums too, leaving a very deep groan in my mouth...

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