It Was Inevitable

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When I get in the house, Oliver comes running and hugs me

"God, I missed u so much! Your dad has been killing me!"

"Yeah, I asked him to..." I say and he pulls away, looking at me puzzled

"What do u mean?"

"Come, we have to talk..." I say and I go towards the garden

"Felicity, u're scaring me!" he says following me

"No, don't be scared..." I say sitting on a chair at the table we have outside and he mimics me

"Oliver, I'm sure u have realized that things aren't great between us, right?"

"Yes, I'm not stupid...but I thought it was because we're getting closer to the wedding and because u don't know whether u'll be promoted at work now that u graduated or"

"That too, but mostly because-" I start, but then I hesitate, because I'm afraid of how it will come out

"Because what?"

"I realized that the only reason I'm getting married to u is that it's easy! We've known each other for a long time, u were the first guy to see past my looks, u made me feel more than just a pretty face and u're so kind and sweet, but u're not what I need..."

"Wow, that hurt!"

"I know, but I can't lie to u, Oliver! I love u way too much to keep lying to u! U deserve someone who will be with u because she can't think of being with anyone else!"

"And u can?"

"I can, yes..."

"Is it because we have that age gap?"

"Trust me, age is not my problem!"

"Is it because we're in different places academically and professionally?"

"No! Oliver, I told u what it is! I think I'm settling because it's familiar and easy! I don't feel like u're the right person for me! Not because u're not enough, u are more than enough and I'm sure u'll find someone worthy of u! But I need someone who will challenge me, who will keep me on my feet at all times...someone with whom I will never feel bored in my life..."

"I'm boring?"

"No! God, are u  playing dumb or are u really not getting what I'm saying?" I ask him and he sighs

"I'm just trying to understand where this is coming from! We were fine a month ago!"

"We were because it hadn't dawned on me yet!"

"Yeah, I got that, but what made u realize that?"

"Oliver, please, just accept what I'm telling u!"

"No! There's a reason and I need to know! Is there someone else?"

"Oliver, please..."

"There's someone else, isn't it?"

"Yes, but he's not the reason I decided that we should break up!"

"Oh come on now! Don't tell me that he just showed up at the same period u decided to leave me!"

"No, he didn't show up at the same period...he's been around for a long time, but when I realized that u're not what I want, he hadn't told me how he feels about me yet, so my choice is not based on how things will go with him!"

"How can I believe u when u just said that he has been around for a long time?"

"Because I'm telling u the truth! Please, appreciate the fact that instead of just giving u the ring and leaving u without an explanation, I sat down and explained myself to u, which by the way is something I shouldn't do, ok? I shouldn't keep trying to make u understand me!"

"U know what? Screw u!" he says jumping up

"Excuse me?" I ask with a raised eyebrow, starting to get pissed

"Screw u! I've spent 4 years of my life tiptoeing around u, putting up with your bullshit, bottling shit up, just to keep the peace and not cause any fights, for u to come and tell me that suddenly I'm not what u want? Screw u!"

"I'm sorry, but I never asked u to bottle anything up and to put up with anything! Ok? It's not my fault u did that!" I yell, getting up too

"Do u have any idea how ungrateful u sound right now?"

"Ungrateful? Are u fucking kidding me?"

"Yes, ungrateful! If I didn't bottle shit up, we would be in a constant state of chaos!"

"Oliver, hear what u're saying! How was I supposed to know that u keep things inside if u never told me? Huh? How was I supposed to know that I'm doing things that annoy u? I'm not a mind reader! When something is bothering u, u talk! U say something! That's how human relationships work! People work things out!"

"Well, I just wanted us to have a peaceful life, ok? I didn't want us to fight! So I just learned to live with it!"

"Yes, but for how long, Oliver? How long would that last before u just can't take it anymore? How long before deciding that u can't keep doing it anymore?"

"I don't know, ok? I guess that after some time things would stop bothering me, I'd get used to it..."

"It doesn't work like that, Oliver! When a behavior that bothers us isn't confronted, in time it will be insupportable and the person that is being bothered just bursts and things get very ugly! People need to talk about these things in order to find a solution!"

"Anyway, now it happened!"

"Yes, it did...don't u think it's better that things came to this though? Imagine, what would happen if we got married, have kids and one day u just decided that u can't stand me anymore? Huh?"

"So, what? I should thank u now?"

"Thank me, no, just think was inevitable, Oliver...sooner or later it was bound to happen! Isn't it better that it happened now and not in a few years?" I say touching his arm and he sighs

"I guess..." he says, calming down a little

"So, can we just calm down and end this in good terms? It's not just a common breakup, we have a wedding to cancel..."

"Yeah, ok...God, how humiliating!"

"It's not humiliating, people break up before their wedding all the time..."

"Yeah, easy for u to say that, u're not the one who everyone will pitty!"

"No, but I'm the one who everyone will cuss!"

"Right and I'll have to hit them with the it's not her fault, she was right, we weren't right for each other" he says and I chuckle

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