Avengers Forming Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

Rory swipes and rolls her eyes seeing her older sister's video

Natasha Romanoff -Steve says and looks to Rory

do you know her -Steve

she's my older sister -Rory

god she's such a show off -Rory rolls her eyes as her sister flips herself on the video

you gonna tell her that -Phil

we both know i could call her a bitch to her face and get away with it where if anyone else did it they'd need medical attention -Rory

true -Phil

Rory swipes the tablet again and rolls her eyes

really. Tony Stark -Rory

he seems cool -Steve

my sister had to go undercover in his Company. i beg to differ from what she told me -Rory

is that what she told you. have you asked Stark -Steve

no offence Rogers but i take my sisters word for it. she's always been there always had my back and protects me when i need it or even if i don't. she's the only family i have. if she says he's an asshole then i will take her word for it without a second doubt -Rory

i wouldn't go there Cap. the bond between the Romanoff Sisters is legendary to say the least -Phil

it wouldn't be so bad if people stopped pissing us off -Rory

you just don't have much patients -Phil

for Idiots you mean -Rory says and swipes again

Clint Barton -Phil

one person who will be joining you after you get him back -Phil

what do you mean get him back ? -Steve

he is currently under Loki's control -Phil

not for long -Rory mutters a fire in her eyes as she watches the Video

we're about Forty minutes out sir -Pilot

Rory swipes again and rolls her eyes on seeing herself

you use a sword -Steve

i do. i have a few abilities as well but i mainly use my sword or knives or guns -Rory

Abilities -Steve

am enhanced. but i know with powers you need to be careful with them can't relay on them to much. i like to relay on my skill. am master swordswomen and proud of it -Rory

i think you and i are gonna get on just fine -Steve

Rory shoots him a smile which Steve returns then they swipe again

so this Dr. Banner was trying to replicate the Serum they used on me ? -Steve

a lot of people were. you were the worlds first superhero. there is only a few like you out there -Phil

there are more -Steve

me and my sister have a very hard past. how i got my powers is because i was experimented on against my will but one of the Serums they used was their own Super Soldier Serm that they created and they also did that serum into my sister -Rory

am sorry -Steve

me to. but we're trying to be better. we want to help people -Rory

Steve smiles at this

Banner thought Gamma radiation might hold the key to unlocking Erskine's original formula -Phil

didn't really go his way did it -Rory

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