Then? Then, what are we afraid of? Why can't we give the right, which they deserves? I guess, We are hurting them, so badly.

I don't know why it's giving me pain, when I saw Jisoo is afraid to ask me a little thing. They are struggling to be comfortable for us. While we are just doubling the struggle, without trying to change ourselves.

I hate the fact, Jisoo and Chaeyoung are even happy, just we said them to have dinner. This bit concern of us, making them smile.

Why are they like this? They had probably hated us now.But no, they didn't.
Are they letting us to hurt them?

I bitterly chuckled, when I saw Jisoo and Chaeyoung feeding each other.

"Hyeong?" I heard Jungkook beside me. I immediately tore my eyes from them to him.

"Hm? We should talk about the new deal in the library. I was waiting for you. Come." His hand stopped me from stomping. I turn around. Jungkook stared at me with a poker face. His gaze fall on Jisoo and Chaeyoung for few seconds before back to me. I followed the move, as now my eyes ended up in his. "I know what were you thinking, Hyeong!"

"Yes, we are hurting them." He stated. I just continued looking at him, wondering how can he guess it this correct.

We were silent for few minutes until he again spoke. "I really didn't wanted this. I never wanted to hurt Chaeyoung. And it was so difficult for me, when I finally realized, I like her!" He sighed. I wasn't a bit surprised by his sudden confession. "I tried hard hyeong. I tried how much I can, to stop the feeling. As i found its so painful, when she smiles at someone else other than me. It hurted like hell, when I found the one who is touching her is not me." My stare on him continued as his words.

"You will be wondering why am I confessing sudden." Jungkook chuckled, where I didn't mind to reply. "I just wanted to tell you, I know how you feels. I also know that you have feelings for Jisoo, for a long time, maybe. And like me you are also afraid of a worst past.." He was effortlessly honest, making me uncomfortable to continue the eye contact. But before I could broke it, He was found hugging me.

"We are so cowards hyeong. We are a big coward to lose, again. As me and you are encouraging ourselves to hate our loves, who are now our wives!" I was afraid, is he crying? Holding back my sob, I hugged him tightly.

"Why are we like this, Hyeong?" He questioned, making me feel his tears on my shoulder. "Kook!" I choosened to be strong this time, for him, for myself. "We aren't cowards. We were never. It's just our scare for the future. If we love them or not, you know, there is no sure, they will be always here, for us. That's what our past teached us." Jungkook was quick to back off, as he stares at me.

"But still are you happy? For not being able to embrace her, even she is just beside you." Jungkook pointed at them. I looked at the end of his finger to spot Jisoo and Chaeyoung still having their dinner smugly, unaware of everything happening here.

"We are so bad hyeong. We are so bad to be their husbands." Before Jungkook could cry again, I dragged him towards the library room, so we can cry or scream how much we wants, without letting know anyone.

Author's Pov

"I guess, the table will be fine there." Chaeyoung said, stopping Jisoo from dragging it to the otherside. After all done in the kitchen, they were in Jisoo's room now. Rearranging and decorating her room to their taste after cleaning.

Jisoo snapped her head to Chaeyoung. "Okay, then fine." Chaeyoung giggled, thinking how obedient the smaller is.

"Umm, do you have a table cloth? It will be better if the table had one." Chaeyoung, the planer suggested.

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