Chapter 45 - Sorting things Out

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Annabeth POV💕

''Hey, dad'' I whisper as I answer the phone. I glance at the door to the bathroom, grateful that Ryder was gone and that I cobruuld speak to my dad. I just didn't know what to expect from dad at this point considering how I thought I knew mum well enough to never think she would hit me. I knew that if the conversation with dad upset me even a little bit Ryder would blow another fuse.

''Anna'' I hear my dad's tired voice on the other end of the line and my eyes brim with tears.

''Your mum called me in hysterics going on about your running away with some convict or felon, what is she on about? Are you in trouble? Where are you now? Why have you run away from home sweetpea?''

I roll my eyes at my mum's exaggerated version of events before I interrupt my dad calmly 

''No dad, I've not run away from home, I just couldn't deal with her anymore. She.. she's just being too controlling, it's worse than before and she wants to decide everything in my life and I am not a child anymore. We fought and I'm now staying with my friend Amelie'' 

I left out the bit that I was staying with a boy and also the bit about my mum hitting me. My dad would probably have a heart attack. Plus for some reason, he sounded really stressed right now and I did not want to add on to that. I was going to wait for him to come home so that I could talk to him face to face and not over the phone. 

I sigh and continue on ''Ryder is.. he is someone I'm seeing now and he's a kind, sweet and a good guy, he cares about me and he's nothing like what mum says, it's just that he's not rich enough for mum'' 

I hear dad sigh over the phone '' Look, Anna, I know it's difficult with mum, I knew she was exaggerating when she called me and she can be really controlling, but you need to go home now sweetheart. Your mum is the way she is and I understand how things are difficult. But I never raised my sweetpea to run away from her problems. I am on my way home and I should be back by evening. Can you promise me that you'll go home and wait for me and we'll sort this out together as a family? ''

I wanted to roll my eyes when my dad said, family. But I knew that he was always trying to make this work and I instead smile at how blessed I was to have such an amazing dad and nod my head ''Yea I will dad, I'll go back home and wait for you...I'm so glad you're coming home'' I almost start crying with relief that dad was coming back.

I could feel some of the tension in my dad's voice disappearing as he drawls out teasingly 

''And bring that boy over one of these days, no matter what your mum says I know your old enough to make your decisions but I still want to make sure he's good for you....'' he pauses and then continues ''Although.. no one will ever be good enough for my little princess'' I hear a muffled voice in the background and then dad continues ''I need to go, sweetie, I have some work I really need to finish before I get there, Love you''.

I smile into the phone ''Love you, daddy''

I click the end button and turn around only to shriek out at the sight of Ryder standing outside the bathroom with a towel slung low on his hips. His hair was still wet and I could see the droplets of water still on his chest and arms. I tighten my legs to ease the ache that was forming between them. ''You scared me Ryder'' I smile at him shyly trying to keep my eyes focussed on his face although I really wanted to check him out some more. 

Ryder smirks at me as he comes closer and then almost as if he realized something he continues with a serious face ''You're not going back home, Anna'' 

My smile drops as I glare at him

''Ryder my dad's coming back now, and he'll be home soon, nothing is going to happen to me. My dad's an amazing guy and ... and he wants to meet you as well. I'm just going to go home and then dad will sort all this out'' 

Falling In Love with a Bad Boy !Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ