Chapter 29 - She kissed who!

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Ryder's POV🐯

I rode into school on my motorcycle today, throughout the entire ride my mind was filled with conflicting thoughts, as though my heart and brain were at war. One part of me wanted to fuck the world and be with Anna, the other part made me think of all the risks I would be exposing her to. As I walk into school still thinking about her I see all the girls smiling and waving at me and a few of them shouting out that they missed me. I smirk at a few of them as I walk past. That's when I see Dylan popping out of the janitor's closet, I stop to take a look at who he was with and my mouth drops open when I see Anna's face through the door that was ajar. 

My entire world comes to a standstill and I can feel the rage that was bubbling in me. I couldn't handle the fact that she was in the room with him alone doing god knows what. I was about to storm off in a rage when I catch Dylan's face filled with fury as he passes me. I realize at that moment that this might not be a friendly encounter between them. I walk over to Anna who was now holding the door open and looking at me worriedly.

I pull her out and study her face while holding her hand in mine. I watch her closely and almost smile at her blue flowery dress which came up to her mid-thigh, she was even wearing sandals that were pink and her long blonde hair was done up in curls. I think about what I looked like with all my tats and the fact that I mostly wore black or grey and here she is cute as a button, it was almost as if the world was sending me a secret message to remind me that we were polar opposites. "Was he harassing you?" I ask her gruffly.

"I dont know what to think Ryder, were you about to throw one of your tantrums'' 

"Yea I was going to rage mode away and punch some tables but then I remembered you telling me that Dylan was being douchey to you so I had to check if he was bothering you" I respond to her question, deciding to smile at her and let the subject go, for now, watching her face light up as I smile. I remind myself to ask her in more detail later as to what Dylan had done to upset her.

She smiles at me softly and checks up on my wounds. I tease her by pretending to be hurt and that's when I look over her head and notice Gisele watching us with her eyes narrowed into slits and her arms crossed. I have been meaning to talk to her and I quickly say my bye to Anna and I make my way to her. 

I stand in front of her and growl out "What the fuck is James trying to do G, he rigs me the first time around, and I am ok to think it was a strange coincidence that time, but the second time around he almost fucking kills me". 

Giselle's face drops "Ryder, I dunno what to say to you, he's my brother, but you know how he is. I tried to talk to him but he won't speak to me about this... I just ... I just dont believe that he would do anything to you. He's known you for so long..." 

I raise my hand to silence her "Enough is enough G, I know me and James disagree on some things principally. But I would never set him up to get killed, considering the long history we've had, but I think he's decided to go down this path with everything he's done"

Giselle looks at me her eyes filling up "Ryder, let me talk to him please... I'll sort this out.. does this...does this change things between us?"

I look at her and sigh running my hand through my hair "Look, I dont think you had anything to do with it, just tell James that he better remember that he sponsors me for all the fights and I'm really considering going to the other side, which means he's going to start losing money if he has a fucking problem ask him to talk to me like a man, not go behind my back like a fucking pussy" I shake my head at her and start to walk away when she grabs my arm " Ryder can we meet up after school, I'll come over to yours?'' I pull my hand off hers "Na G, I dont think we can do this anymore, especially with all this drama" 

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