Chapter 34 - Him & I

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Annabeth's POV💖

I couldn't find words to describe how I feel right now. After that talk with Ryder, I was officially on Cloud 9. The way he kissed me was amazing and throughout the remainder of the day, I just ignored everyone's stares and whispers when I walked by, wrapped up in my thoughts about him. I gave Amelie and Jane a quick download of what happened and Amelie was really happy for me and also excited that now we could now go on double dates. Jane on the other hand was happy that I was with Ryder but she told me to be careful, she didn't want him breaking my heart. 

Right now I was waiting for him at my locker after class because he had asked if I wanted to go along with him to watch him train. I was biting my lip impatiently and looking out for him excited to see him when I spot Claire and her two minions approach me. I roll my eyes not wanting to deal with this drama right now. 

Claire walks straight up and stops in front of me, her face twisted in anger. "You're off the cheerleading squad" she spits out "We dont take two-timing sluts in there" her minions giggle behind her. I narrow my eyes at her "Claire, not that I need to clarify anything to you, but I wasn't going out with Dylan, to be two-timing anyone, and Ryder was not going out with you...anyway, right now we are together so yea whatever..." I watch her face fall and I continue "And about the whole slut comment, I dont understand how that's a rule when the biggest slut I know is the cheerleading captain" Claire narrows her eyes into slits and move closer to me "I will destroy you Annabeth, your life is over, you have no idea who you just messed with, bitch" 

I open my mouth to respond when I hear a familiar voice drawl "Have we resorted to bullying Claire, I thought you were better than that?"

I turn around and see Ryder slowly making his way up to us. Claire's face transforms all of a sudden into an innocent smile, she moves in front of me and faces Ryder "I wasn't bullying her Ryder, we were just having a little chat about how I dont have any space for her on the cheerleading squad, her looks dont quite cut it you know..." She pushes out her breasts so much so that from the back the action makes her look like a duck. She moves closer to Ryder swaying her hips while her minions look on "You wanna take me someplace where we can have a little private chat ?'' 

Ryder's face fills with disgust ''Nope'' he then ignores her and moves past her towards me. He pulls me into a hug and I link my arms around his neck "You ok?" he smiles down at me. 

"Yea" I smile back. "Are you unhappy you're not on the cheerleading squad?" his brows furrow in concern. I shake my head and laugh out loud "Oh good lord no, I never wanted to be in it in the first place, but mum wanted me to so..."

Ryder's face tenses a bit when I refer to mum but then he recovers and smiles "I have to admit that I am super glad you're not in that squad, I would have had a heart attack every time you wore one of those tiny outfits..." he scratches his head and looks at me nervously before he continues "but err umm keep the outfit, will you?  I would really love for you to give me a private show someday" he smirks 

I blush and smile at him, before I can respond Claire interrupts us by stomping over. She looks like she is on the verge of a meltdown "Why her Ryder, she's annoying, and compared to me, she's not even that great to look at, you said you didn't date girls and now you seem to be with her, what the fuck Ryder, the sex we had was so good, so why her ?"

Ryder turns and gives her an icy glare "Claire, shut the fuck up...if you talk about her one more time I swear ..." 

I had enough of Claire interrupting our time together, not to mention I was a little annoyed and jealous as well because I knew she had slept with him so I ignore her and yank his arm "We should go, let's not do this now". He shoots Claire one more glare and then we walk off with his arm around me. "So you ready to go?" he kisses my head and I smile up at him "Yea I am ready" 

We make our way outside the school where Colton and Bryan were waiting for us and we get into Bryan's car. Colton screams shotgun although I dont think Ryder wanted to go in the front anyway. The entire ride over Ryder has one arm around me and the other one drawing patterns on my thigh. It was making me feel warm and fuzzy and I keep imagining all the things he could do with those fingers. At one point Colton looks back at Ryder "We need to talk about the James situation..."

I can feel Ryder tensing "Later Colton," he says gruffly. I look up at him and speak softly so that the two in the front cant hear me "Who's James? I've heard his name mentioned a few times" I feel Ryder freeze and he stops drawing patterns on my thigh "He's someone you dont need to know about or meet, he's bad news" 

He leans down and kisses my neck gently which makes my thighs clench together. I feel like jumping his bones when he whispers "Umm, I've been meaning to ask you if I can take you out on a date tomorrow evening'' he smiles at me knowingly. The evil boy knew the effect he was having on me.  I reach up and move his hair out of his eyes and let my fingers trail down his cheek to his lips, the fact that I could touch him and do anything I wanted to him, just made me happy. I bite my lip seductively and look up at him "You can take me anywhere and do anything you want with me..." I pause watching his eyes darken and his breath hitch "Daddy" I whisper and he grabs me by the neck and kisses me. 

"Children, keep it pg 13 back there" Bryan grumbles '' I laugh as Ryder and I pull out of the kiss. I know that Ryder has avoided the question of who James was but I penciled it in for a conversation later. The last thing I wanted was a fight on our first day together, but I knew that he had to open up to me and tell me things. It was almost like he was leading another life that I knew nothing about. I snuggle into him when my phone rings. I look at it and its mum. My heart sinks. I feel Ryder tensing next to me. I look at the phone wondering if I should answer or just deal with her when I get home, I had a bad feeling that Dylan would have told mum by now. 

I bite my lip looking at the phone and Ryder leans down. "Do you want to answer it?" he asks softly. I close my eyes and slowly pull myself off him putting some distance between us as I answer. "Hey, mum" my voice shakes a bit. 

"Yea, Annabeth, where are you? Are you on your way home?" I hear mum's voice normal as usual. 

"Umm, I'll be home in a bit mum, just doing some group work" I lie feeling Ryder's watchful eyes on me. 

"Ok, fine, there is a casserole in the fridge, I've kept your plate in there with your portion, heat it and eat it ok, I have a meeting so I will be late, will Dylan drop you home?"

I nod my head "Yes, he will, I'll be home soon" She sighs " Also, can you stop avoiding the boy so much, he spoke to me the other day. I know I told you to not appear needy, but if you keep ignoring him to this extent he might move on and that's not what we want right" she speaks sharply. 

I nod my head again "Yes mum, Ill speak to him"

I hear some noise in the background and then mum comes back "Alright, I'm off, bring Dylan over for dinner tomorrow ok?" 

I whisper a quick yes and hang up. I look over at Ryder whose fists are clenched. He turns and looks at me rage in his eyes "Does she think you're dating him?'' he spits out 

I shake my head "Umm I may have led her to believe that so that she wouldn't throw a fit" 

Ryder just stares ahead and I slowly reach out to hold his hand and he snatches it away. My eyes fill with tears. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you, it was just when he was friends with me and I made mum think that I liked him so that she would get off my case and give me some peace and quiet "

Ryder turns around and pulls me into his lap. I yelp in surprise, as he cups my face between his hands and stares at me "You are mine, and mine alone, I dont like anyone thinking your someone else's it pisses me off, you need to tell her"

I nod my head and I lean in our foreheads touching "I know, I'll tell her the truth, I promise, please dont be mad at me" I bite my lip. He shakes his head and gives me a small smile ' How can I stay mad at you for long princess." He gives me a stern look "But you can't keep lying to your mum princess, you need to tell her your not with Dylan, you can take some time to tell her about me if you want, although I'm ok either way, but one thing is for sure I absolutely will not have your mum thinking you like him which would lead to that asshole parading all over my girlfriend's house acting like he owns her"

I nod my head in agreement and he leans down and buries his face into my neck while I wrap my arms around him in a hug. I had to tell mum, I knew he was right but how do I tell her. I sigh and melt into his arms.

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