Chapter 28 - Back to School

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Annabeth's POV💖

Ryder was back to school today and I was actually quite nervous to see him. I couldn't stop thinking about what would have happened last night if coach hadn't interrupted us. After Coach had come in we just had an uneventful dinner with Ryder acting as if nothing had happened and then Colton had dropped me off home. Like always a million questions were floating through my head" Would he have regretted it again" or "Would we just be together" or "Would we have taken it the whole way". "Aaargh,"  I groan as I shut the locker door, I still haven't seen him around yet and I was beginning to worry if he would even come in. I was yet to see Colton and Bryan as well, and we only had 5 minutes until the bell for first-class, although they weren't known for their punctuality. 

Over the past week, I and Colton had gotten along really well. Both Bryan and Colton would speak to me at school and give me updates on Ryder and once in a while, they joined me and Amelie for lunch. Although Colton was a man of few words every day like clockwork he would wait outside with his car to take me to Ryder's. The first day I had asked and after that, it became a routine for us. I had said a hundred different lies to my mum, around being late for dinner every day by either saying it was an assignment or cheerleading practice. So I was glad that Ryder was back because I wasn't sure how many more lies my mum would have believed. 

I turn around to go look for Amelie because we had the same first-class and I bump into Dylan and gasp almost dropping all my books " Hey Dylan, you scared me" I clutch my chest and laugh. Dylan smiles at me although his smile does not reach his eyes. "Look, can we talk ?" he blurts out

My smile automatically drops at his serious tone " Yea" I nod my head" Sure why not, what's up" He jerks his head toward the corridor and I follow him one hand cradling the books to my chest, and with the other hand I fiddle with the waist of my light blue floral dress nervously as I follow him down the corridor. He makes his way to the janitor's closet and opens it gesturing with his head for me to get in. I bite my lower lip uncertainly, I really didn't want to do this, and I had a bad feeling but I ignore my instinct and go in with him. 

He shuts the door and turns around to face me. He was wearing a tight blue v neck shirt with faded jeans and even though he looked quite handsome he was nothing compared to Ryder. My heart didn't do any flips. I look at him questioningly and watch him warily as he runs his hand through his hair and he sighs leaning against the shut door. "Look Annabeth, somethings been off with you the past week. You dont hang out with me after school and I know you told me that you had projects and homework and all kinds of excuses, but your mum told me the other day that you were caught up with cheerleading when I know you didn't have to practice that day. So I dont know if you're avoiding me or if it's because of the kiss"

I look at him guilt creeping into me "Look Dylan, I wasn't lying, I had homework plus...wait hold on a second" my eyebrows furrow in suspicion " Why were you calling my mum?" 

Dyan rolls his eyes " Because I wanted to find out what happened to you, plus Mary has told me to call her whenever, and the only reason I had to call her was that you were avoiding me" he scowls at me and then almost like he was bipolar he smiles again before continuing. 

"Look Anna, my parents really liked you and your mum the other day when you came for dinner, they approve... and your mum also approves of me... I think we need to make it official" 

I stare at him my mouth wide open "What are you even talking about Dylan, what is there to make official. I told you I dont feel like that about you, I just want to be friends" I look at him softly. 

Dylan's features harden " We are not going to be friends, I've made it clear that I like you, and there is nothing about me that should stop you from liking me, plus think about what a disappointment it would be to your mother. When I spoke to her the other day I didn't tell her that you were not at cheerleading practice. I covered up for you, if she finds out that you're sneaking around,  although I have no fucking clue where to she will be disappointed" He steps forward which makes me take a step backward " How can you be so fucking selfish, your mum was right you are ungrateful" he snarls. 

I start inching my way to the door while distracting him with what I was saying hoping that he wouldn't realize what I was doing "Look Dylan, I dont understand why you're talking to my mum in the first place and secondly, I would like to think that I have a choice in where I go, who I tell and who I date, it's not you and my mum or your parents who should decide."

Dylan rolls his eyes again " Look I am done with your drama, and I am definitely done waiting for you...gawd when I first saw you I thought you were such a well behaved sweet little thing, who would have known you would be such a handful. Look I'm giving you time until today evening, think about it and give me your final answer. I'll swing by yours by 7 ish, so stay ready"

He steps across me and opens the door and before I could even respond to him he adds on " I'll be there at 7  Anna, if you say no to me, I'll just ask your mum if I can come over" I shut my mouth and he walks off. As the door starts to close behind him I catch a pair of brown eyes filled with shock first, which then quickly changed to rage. 

I rush to the door pulling it wide open and I see Ryder starting to walk away with rage but then like he remembers something he turns around and walks to the room and pulls me out by the hand " Was he harassing you?" he asks gruffly while picking up my arms and inspecting me. 

"I...I dont know what to think Ryder, were you about to throw one of your tantrums?" I try to change the topic, I just didn't feel like talking about the mess that Dylan had created. 

Ryder tilts his head and smiles and my heart flips when I realize it was one of his genuine smiles "Yea, I was going to rage mode away and punch some tables but then I remembered you telling me that Dylan was being douchey to you so I had to check if he was bothering you" 

I smile at him softly " Thank you Ryder" I touch his chest gently and then I remember his wound "How's the pain is it ok ?" I touch his stomach gently and he sucks air in and yelps out in pain

 "Oh my god I am sorry" I quickly drop all my books on the floor and start holding him only to see him laugh. I glare at him "That wasn't funny" I look back at the closet " Do you wanna come into the closet, I can check your wounds" 

Ryder smiles and shakes his head " Princess, my wounds are fine, and also if I come with you in there, one - things might happen which we do not want, and two - even if things dont happen between us, I dont have the best rep when it comes to chicks, so people will automatically assume that I was hooking up with you in there, which is not something you want" 

Ryder smiles at me quickly and then he looks away and a look of recognition flickers through his eyes. Without even looking back at me he mumbles " I'll catch you later, something I need to do, let me know if lover boy annoys you again" he sprints off. I look in confusion to see him run off to that petite girl Giselle who was waiting for him, her arms crossed across her chest. My heart feels a piercing ache but before I could react, Amelie hugs me "Yo babes, you look happy to see your man in school" I turn around and smile at Amelie and shake my head " Yeah right..he would rather spend time with Giselle than me" I groaned. 

Amelie shakes her head " One day you guys are gonna be together and on that day I am going to first say I told you so and then I am going to whack you both on the heads for taking so long to end up with each other" 

I smile at her optimism and I link my arm through hers " Cmon lets go for class before we get late" I shoot one last look at Ryder but he seems to be engrossed in his conversation with Giselle 

I sigh and walk off to class with Amelie

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