Chapter 9 - Swings & The Bad Boy

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Annabeth's POV💖

I was standing there transfixed watching Ryder say something to Amelie which made her smile and she looked at me and mouthed the word "Go", I want to thank Ryder as well so I let him literally drag me out of the house. It was a different experience navigating through the crowd when compared to before. When Amelie and I were trying to get through we had to literally fight through this crowd, but when Ryder walked people saw his face and just made way for him, it was almost like he was Moses from the bible parting the black sea, or was it a blue sea. 

I am pretty sure it was the alcohol in me but I start giggling uncontrollably thinking about Ryder in brown robes parting the sea which makes him turn around and look at me quizzically.  I shake my head in a no motion and he continues on leading me down outside the house and on a pathway which leads to behind the house where there is an empty play yard with swings and slides. I vaguely remember Dylan telling me something about Claire having a little sister, this was probably her playground 

 "Where are you taking me, Moses?'' I start laughing when he stops and looks at me like I was crazy. 

I remove my hand from his and run towards the swings, when I get there I pull my heels off and throw them on the ground and jump on one swing. I push myself off with my feet and start swinging bending my head backward letting the wind rush all over my face, my blonde hair flying wildly. Every time I came up I saw Ryder with a wtf look on his face walking closer to me.  As I kicked off with my feet to gain more momentum, I feel Ryder's warm hands cover mine as he grabs the swing by the chains and stop it with me still on it. I pull my head up pouting up at him as he towers over me his warm hands covering mine still holding the chains.

He looks at my lip and his eyes darkens,  he closes his eyes and opened them again like he was fighting some internal battle. "How drunk are you princess?'' he looks at me intently.

I furrow my brow deep in thought as I try to remember how many drinks me and Amelie had. "Five or Six vodkas .. but I swear I am not wasted, I am just happy, and you mister" I poke him in the chest " are not letting me swing thereby preventing me from said happiness" I let go of the swing to extend my arms out in the air and almost topple out of the swing. Ryder's reaction is swift as grabs me by the waist and steadies me back and slowly places my hands back on the chains and covers both my hands. 

Ryder continues looking at me intently "I think you're wasted princess, you called me Moses, I don't even know who the fuck he is but I don't like being called by some other fucker's name"

I burst out laughing "Noo...nooo, your not Moses, you're like Moses,  I mean I know who you are... Moses was a joke, like the Moses from the bible parting the seas of wait the seas of water...wait"  I stop at the even more confused look on his face now. I close my eyes and open them again trying to explain "No..look it was funny when I thought about it but yeah I don't think I can explain it now,  but trust me when I say that I know who you are. You are Ryder, R- Y- D- E- R " I spell his name out for him but seeing his not so impressed face I decide to pout at him again.

He looks at my lips again and growls " Stop pouting or I'll bite that lip of yours'' he whispers huskily. I blush and look down at my feet as he settles down cross legged on the grass in front of me with me still on the swing . He picks up my feet and puts them in his lap and sighs. He pulls his hood off and runs his hand through his hair. I gasp seeing the bruising on his face more clearly in the light now. 

"What happened to you?'' I lean forward and reach my hand out tracing his face gently. He closes his eyes and lets me trace down his cheek but then he grabs my hand and slows puts it down on my lap and leaves it "Nothing that can't be fixed." he grunts

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