Chapter 33 - Agreeing to Love

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Ryder's POV🐯

I walk hand in hand with Annabeth, through the cafeteria to the exit and I can feel everyone sneaking glances at us. This was the first time anyone had seen me holding hands with a girl and I was getting annoyed by all the attention not to mention some of the nasty looks from girls that I had hooked up with in the past but had blown off by saying that I didn't do relationships. And here I was like a big fucking pansy holding her hand. 

The one thing I was relieved of was that the number of guys who used to lech at her had drastically dropped down. Nobody wanted to mess with me and by staking my claim on her I had effectively put her in a "Do not mess with" zone with most of the boys. 

I look sideways and down at her and see her face determined although her cheeks were pink and I couldn't help but admire how gorgeous she was, not just on the outside but on the inside. I had no idea why she even liked me and I was fucking lucky that she did. Now that she was mine, no one was getting me away from her, not even her. I grimace as we make it outside into the sunny afternoon towards a bench my shoes squelching on the wet grass as we make our way. Even if she said she didn't want me right now, I was not letting her go, I would do whatever it took to have her, she hadn't seen my stubborn nature and I was hoping she wouldn't reject me. 

We get to the bench and I sit down looking up at her beautiful blue eyes. She looks flustered and nervous and it was starting to scare me. I grab her hand to pull her onto my lap but she resists and pulls her hand out. I was starting to get annoyed, but I push that emotion down because if I got angry I would spew shit and this relationship would end even before it started

She looks at me knowingly and then she smiles shyly "No, it's not that I dont want to, it's just that if I sit on your lap then I probably will forget what I want to say..." 

Dammit, she knew me well enough to realize that I was annoyed although I was pretty sure I had not shown that on my face. I smile at her reassuringly "What is it, princess?''

She runs her hand through her hair and sits down next to me her long legs stretched out. Damn this dress was short, I was drooling over her perfectly toned legs  "What .. .What changed, what made you want to do all those things in there?" she looks straight when she asks this and doesn't make eye contact with me which was good for me, coz if she looked she would have realized that I was drooling over her legs like a pervert. 

I turn sideways to face her so as to not get distracted. Now that she was mine, my brain and heart were working against me and they both just wanted me to check her out considering how she was mine and mine only. I turn her head towards me so that she was now looking at me "I dunno, I just realized I was being an idiot with some help from Colton who told me as it is" I laugh out nervously "I mean I really like you and I obviously can't stay away from you, and that kiss of your's just reinforced my thoughts and made me realize that I couldn't pretend anymore or stay away from you anymore"

She bites her lower lip thinking " Right...what do you mean by you really like me, like what are we?"

I look at her slightly confused " We are together, you're with me, I'm with you..." 

She nods her head again "So you want us to date?"

I look at her for a few seconds and then I sigh " Look princess I think I know what this is about, you want to know what's going on between us. To be honest, I dont know what this is, I've never felt this before, there is something about you that makes me want you in my life and not as my friend, so dating, girlfriend call it whatever all I know is that when I'm around you I can't think straight, I want to be with you all the time, the thought of you with someone else just tears me apart... so I want us to be together" 

She smiles slightly " I feel the same, so we're like together although you normally dont do that with girls" 

I look at her confused again" Yea, together" 

She nods her head again 'Right so we stay loyal to each other"

I narrow my eyes at her "Why? Do you not want to be exclusive with me, is there some other fucker who has caught your fancy... who the fuck is it? is it some retard from art class who asked you out....?" I am seething right now as I try to calm myself down.

She interrupts me her eyes wide in surprise " How do you even know all these things .. No .. look. ok" she lets out a huge breath. 

I calm myself and move closer to her, put my arm around her, and pull her close, her head is now resting on my shoulder."Whatever it is just say it as it is, princess"

She hesitates for a second and then she starts " Look I haven't been with anyone and I am just worried that because you've been with like all the girls in the world, you might think it's ok to go ... no you might have urges that I may need time to get around to ...umm"

I lean away so that her eyes meet mine and I smirk " You mean sex, you think I'm going to go around sleeping with other girls if you dont put out, is that what it is?"

She blushes and nods her head uncertainly. I smile shaking my head amused, she is so cute and precious. I lean down and kiss her lips softly "I haven't been with another girl since I met you alright, and I dont want you to jump in bed and have sex with me tonight, though I won't be complaining if you do, it's your first time and we'll do it when your ready, it doesn't matter when, until then I want to just spend time with you get to know you and be with you, and kiss you whenever I want, is that ok with you" 

She beams back at me and nods her head "Yea, that sounds good"

I take in a breath and continue "There are some things I want to layout as well" 

She moves closer to me and turns fully to give me her undivided attention "Shoot"

I look at her seriously " Alright firstly I want you to tell me stuff. Things that happen to you, even if you know I'll get annoyed, I dont want any secrets, especially if guys are trying it with you and all,  anything that makes you sad, upset, angry, happy I want to know it all, I want to know you, secondly, you know what I do, so I will need you to listen to me sometimes, especially if there is some sort of danger, I dont want any sassiness from you in those moments, also I haven't done this relationship thing so your gonna have to be patient with me and tell me if I need to do stuff that I dont. "

 I cup her face in both my hands and continue softly

 "Lastly, I have a shit past and a shit present, I dont trust quick coz I have been burned way too many times before, so I am trusting you here like I've never done with anyone in the past, I am super crazy about you and very possessive of you as you've seen and it's only going to get worse,  if you dont think you can handle me, or if you think you can do better and that your not fully committed to this, now's your time to walk away, I dont want you to leave me later because I dont think I can deal with that, so yea nows the time to say that your mine or not"I look at her expectantly.

She reaches out and holds my face in her hands and she pulls me in slowly "Yes..Yes...Yes" she whispers and smiles

I feel a huge weight lift off my chest and I pull her closer and kiss her senseless  

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