Chapter 3 - Running Into a Bad Boy

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Annabeth POV💖

It's morning already and I rush downstairs and wait patiently for mum to come out of her room to drop me to school. I bite my lip nervously waiting for her to come out and either approve of my look or to recommend changes which is a daily tradition of sorts for us. One that I hate but one that mum is adamant about. If she is out and about she expects me to send her a picture of myself in my outfit, that's how nonnegotiable this rule this. I guess she feels that if I dress poorly it would be a bad reflection on her model status. 

Mum walks out of her room just as I expel a nervous breath, every single hair on her head perfectly coiffed, her outfit immaculate and she looks at me. Her gaze travels down my woolen tight pink sweater and the plaid short skirt which reached up until half my knees showing off my long legs. I had worn heels and curled my hair which I left loose. My makeup was minimal but covered all my freckles that dotted my nose and I had on a glossy lip balm. 

Mum stares for a second longer and then shakes her head in semi-approval. "Not sure if that skirt really matches that sweater but yeah I guess this is good enough for your first day'' 

I smile at her and sit down at the table to eat my breakfast quickly. Once we were done I get out and get into the car waiting for mum to finish her finishing touches of makeup, another tradition of hers,  she always did touch up's every hour or so and it was something that she desperately wanted me to do. I wasn't a big fan of it, but I always made sure that I retouch my makeup before I come home, just to keep her happy, if she ever saw me in school especially after gym class with half my make up off she would probably die from a heart attack so I made sure that she lived in the delusion that I was exactly like her, obsessed with my face having the perfect makeup on.  

We drive in complete silence until we pull up to the gray building which reads "Westlake High School'' I look out of the car window watching everyone in their groups chatting away animatedly. A nervous ball starts building in my stomach, which makes me wonder if I would throw up from all this nervous energy. Mum looks at me intently and then leans forward to fluff my hair a bit. 

"Now remember Annabeth, go for the pretty popular crowd, and make sure you get into cheerleading ok, I will be working all day but I will be here when school is over to pick you up from this exact spot here ok'' She gives me a small smile

I smile back at her and shake my head nervously before I step out and walk hesitantly towards the school entrance hearing her drive off behind me. 

As I climb up the stairs to the door I can feel the stares on me and I feel like an insect being scrutinized, I can hear boys hooting and checking me out, asking for my name, number, and some other stuff that I wish I could erase from my memory. I can also feel a lot of girls giving me evil looks. I quickly rush up the stairs make my way through the hallways, glad that I was starting school on a Friday which meant that I just need to get today out of the way and I would have the weekend to hide out in my house and prepare for Monday

 Ignoring everyone I walk straight to the office and smile at the elderly lady who was seated at a help desk in the office which was just at the entrance. She looks up at me and drops the forms that she was holding "Oh wow... hello dear, you must be Annabeth, I must say you do take after your mother, so beautiful. She smiled softly "Anyway here is your schedule and your locker number, good luck sweetheart'' 

I smile gratefully at her and look at the map that she had given me along with my schedule and start following the instructions to where the lockers were. I reach mine, and punch in the combination, and try to open it but it wouldn't open. I could feel a lot of eyes on me and it was making me more nervous. I try one more time and fail. 

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