"Can I ask some questions?" I turn toward Newt. "Every Greenie has questions. I'll be incredibly shocked if you didn't." Newt gave a friendly smile, "Okay, how about something simple? 5Ws and one H?" I asked. 

"Who put us here? No clue. We call them the creators. What are we doing here? Not sure either. Where are we? We call this place the Glade. It's our home. When were we put here? The first person to be put here was Alby. He came here nearly three years ago. Why were we put here? I have no bloody idea. How were we put here? Through the same box you came from. Every month the Greenie is brought up with supplies by the Box." Newt was smooth in answering, he didn't miss a beat. My heart sank a little to think he's probably done this for quite a while.

"Does that answer all your questions?" Newt turned to me. "Most of them. What's through the opening?" I asked which Newt only sighed, "Through that opening is a maze, a huge one. Going there without experience can get you killed. Especially with what patrols the bloody thing." Newt grimaces at a thought, looking down to the floor. Following his gaze, I only now notice the slight limp he walks with. 

"Patrols?" I ask, although it might be a sensitive thing for him, I really want to know. "Yeah, there are these monsters, we call'em Grievers. Those bloody things roam around the maze, especially at night." Newt's uncomfortableness was getting more noticeable so I dropped it. "Okay, one more question, what is a Greenie? Why do you keep calling me that?" I shot my last question to him, "We call the newbies that came up Greenies or Greenbean, It's usually just until you remember your name." Newt gave me a thankful glance as I gave him a nod.


Newt guided me to a place called the Bloodhouse. Approaching the Bloodhouse, I notice the pens full with animals. Cows, pigs, sheep, chicken and, "Puppy!" My eyes brighten at the sight of a black labrador heading for us, immediately crouching down to pet it. Puppy? How do I remember animals? Why do I favour the dog more over the others? I internally questioned as I showered the dog in pets. 

"Not exactly a puppy since he's probably like an adult now but this is Bark." Newt introduced the good boy in front of me, crouching down himself to pet the puppy. "Hello Bark! Aren't you a handsome boy?" I continue to pet bark, admiring his tail that wags in glee. "Common lets head in. Bark will follow just about anyone so you don't have to worry about him leaving." Newt stood up, lending me a hand. We continued into the Bloodhouse.

Entering the Bloodhouse, I see a dark haired, brown skinned boy working away. Chopping, skinning, gutting a pig. "Winston." Newt announces his presence, making the male, who I guess is Winston, look up. He maneuvered around the table, wiping his hands on a stray towel. "Newt." The male nods his head at Newt in greeting, "Winston, this is the Greenie. Greenie, this is Winston. Keeper of the Slicers. He will show you the ropes around being a Slicer and see if the job's fit for you." Newt gave me a pat on the shoulder as I nod my own head towards Winston in greeting. "Someone else will come by after two to three hours to show you another job." Newt then left, leaving me in Winston's care.

He spent the first two showing me the animals, how to clean their pens, fix fences, etcetera. It was until the third hour where things got weird. Winston was demonstrating how to butcher a pig to me. I was weirdly not affected by anything. Not the blood, not the gruesome sight, not the sharp knife. It felt sickenly normal. I was scared. What did I do or witness before the Glade to make my body not react to something so gruesome? 

"(y/n)? You there?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Winston snapping his fingers in my face. "It's your turn, you think you can do it?" Winston handed me a clean knife. I grip the handle, "Yeah... Yeah I can try." 

Another flash appeared. I saw I was in a bright white corridor but it wasn't pure white. Red tainted the walls and floor. I look down to see my hands wrapped in black fingerless gloves, gripping a more intricate knife, a dagger to be exact, dripping blood. It flash disappeared, bringing me back to the Bloodhouse. I stared at the knife, old and less fancy but more importantly, bloodless. "Good that." Winston snapped me out of my trance again. I remembered what I was here for and that was to slice a pig. So I got to work.


Another person eventually came to get me. I waved goodbye to Bark before going to meet the person. It was a young boy, about eleven, at most thirteen years old. My heart immediately swelled for him. How could someone put a kid no less than thirteen in here? How cruel could they be? 

"Hello Greenie, I'm Aziel." The young boy introduced himself, "Nice to meet you Aziel." I guess my pity for the boy was evident since he called me out for it, "Wipe that look from your face." Aziel gave me a glare before bursting in embarrassment. "Please." Aziel quietly added. I chucked at the young boy, "Sorry. You definitely are stronger than you look." I ruffled the Aziel's hair. Another flash appeared. I saw a young boy's face grin at me but not everything was clear, like his eyes and hair were blurred with the background. 

"Thank you! Not many tell me that." When that flash was over, I was met with a large grin from the boy. It was almost, if not, identical to the one in my flash. "Let's continue, you still have other jobs to do." Aziel guided me to another part of the Glade. Occasionally pointing to a structure and telling me what it was.


"How's being a Slicer?" Aziel smiled at me as we made our way to what I think is the Builders. "Not bad, but I think I would rather be doing other jobs.'' Just thinking back to the flashback in the Bloodhouse brought shivers up my spine. Aziel only nodded, "Well next will be the Builders." Aziel and I arrived at a somewhat open space. There were logs, saws, hammers, messy blueprints and lastly, people.

"Gally!" Aziel called out. A dirty blond with... interesting eyebrows, looked up from what seemed like blueprints and approached us. "Gally this is obviously the Greenie. She's here to do her trail. Greenie, this is Gally, the keeper of the Builders." Aziel kept his introductions short and quick. "Yeah? Let's see what she can do. Not much probably." Gally scoffs before immediately ordering me around. 

"Here, pick up these planks and move them over there so the actual builders can do their jobs. Try picking them up one plank at a time so you won't crush your body, they are heavy." Gally points to a stack of planks, some messy strewn around and others in neat bunches of ten tied together with ropes. Angry, no, furious, I grabbed one of the bunches of ten, slinging it around my shoulder and moving them to their designated place. I continued till the bunches were all moved to their designated place. 

"Let's go to the next job. I'm gonna eventually punch Gally if I were to work under him." I approached Aziel, barely breaking a sweat. "Yeah- yeah let go." Aziel and I walked away from the group of amazed builders.


The other jobs were unfortunately worse than the Builders, but I won't run back to Gally's posse of builders. No way in hell. The other jobs were either not for me or filled with boys that wouldn't stop looking at me like a treat. Which brought me here, planting seeds peacefully in a farm with no one to bother me by giving insensitive comments or sexual looks, the Track-hoes were really nice. And planting seeds was oddly therapeutic. My peace was broken though, "Hey." I look up to see the asian boy that tackled me. "Hi." 

I'm not going to complain if he was the one that broke my peace.

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