Chapter 39 [The Wedding]

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The crowd started speak louder about Roderique, Darton looks at Divanno and smiles, Varity seems to understand what Darton's plan was and it seems to be working. Darton looks at Nicholas, he sighs and gets up. "Varity is my little sister, I want her to be happy with the man she loves, not some random man." The crowd looks at the two, and Roderique sighs, he lets go of her hands and walks away, his parents follow and look at Divanno. "I'm very disappointed in you! How could you?!" His mother shouts and Divanno just ignores her. It then goes silent and the crowd doesn't stop whispering. The friend group sits back down, they celebrate that they cancelled the wedding. "So we came here for nothing? We just came here to watch a man get rejected on a wedding?" A woman stands up and asks the crowd. Varity looks at Darton and speaks up. "No, there will be a wedding, not with Roderique, but with.." She looks at Darton and signs him to come up on stage, his friends congratulate him. He gets up and walks to Varity, a big smile on his face, this was his moment. People were once again cheering and clapping for him, his friends were very happy for him as well.

As he got on stage, he held her hands, he couldn't believe it. The girl of his dreams in a wedding dress right in front of him. He felt amazing and it couldn't be better. The priest started chattering and Darton tried to pay attention to what he had to say but couldn't, he was distracted by Varity's beauty. He didn't get to ask for her hand but he felt like he didn't had to, he felt like love would connect them. If faith didn't want the two together, they wouldn't go through so much suffering to get to this day. Varity seems to be as lost in Darton's eyes as he is in hers, they stared at each other until the Priest popped the question. "Do you take Varity Burton to be your lawfully wedded wife." Darton smiles. "I do." Varity smiles, her heart is pounding in her chest. "Do you take.." The priest looks at Darton and signs him to tell his name. "Darton Dolsey." He whispers to the priest. "Do you take Darton Dolsey to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Varity looks at him, Darton is smiling brightly, nothing could ruin their day. "I do."

Darton smiled, his cheeks started to hurt, he couldn't smile more. They exchanged rings, Darton was shaking, he was so happy and so nervous. He got the ring on her finger and she returned the action. They looked into each other's eyes again and smiled. "You may now kiss the bride." Darton leans in right after the priest said that and Varity follows, they kiss for a while and while they kiss they hear the crowd cheer. Darton can feel Varity's smile grow while they kiss. The people clap and cheer. They then pull away and Varity looks at her father, he's smiling and clapping as well. She then notices the look in his eyes, tears of joy. They walk down the path together, she's hugging his arm and they walk back inside, as they walk past Varity's family she sees her father is holding back tears and her brother is smiling and clapping for them. They go back inside, and inside Varity starts crying, Darton looks at her. "Hey what's wrong?" He asks and she quickly hugs him. "I'm so happy, we're finally together and we're together until the end." She sniffs and Darton hugs her tight, he's as happy as she is. 

"Let's celebrate this moment and make it an unforgettable memory, let's go clean your face up and get ready for the wedding pictures." He says and wipes her tears, she nods her head and they go upstairs and redo her makeup. Once done they go back downstairs and Varity sees her father, she goes to him and gives him a big hug. "Dad! Thank you so much for allowing me to get married to Darton! You're the greatest ever!" Her dad laughs. "What did you expect me to do? Force it onto you, after I saw how happy you were with Darton I just couldn't make you so depressed by forcing you to get married by this awful person." She lets go of the hug. "We're going to take wedding pictures now, I want to take one with both you and Nicholas, and the whole group, just the two of us, Darton and I." she then looks at Nicholas. "And one with you." They went outside to take the pictures and had an amazing party after. They really were meant to be together and no one could change that. 

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