Chapter 11 [Horrid Memories]

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He walked in circles. "The smell of rotten flesh, seeing your friends dead in No Mans Land. The never ending sounds of screaming." He sits down and stares at the wall again. Varity looks at the wall but doesn't see any bugs on it, she walks to Darton, sits next to him and looks him in the eyes. She's not sure what to do, she has never seen this before. She decides to softly smack his cheeks, trying to see if that has any affect. It doesn't seem to be working, he starts to mumble things. She decides to place her hands on the side of his head and move his head down to her lap, she's sitting on her knees, having his head on her lap, she starts to run her fingers through his hair. He then shakes his head, looks at her confused of what happened. "Hey..?" He says softly. She looks at him just as confused as he is. "Hello..?" He looks around and realises he's on her lap, she's still running her fingers through her hair. "What... What are you doing?" He asks. She smiled, happy he's back. "You were staring at the wall again, there definitely was no bug and I didn't know what to do, you weren't snapping out of it." She giggles. "You had me freaked out for a moment." He lays back on her lap. "For what?" She stops running her fingers through his hair. "You zoned out, again."

"Just day dreaming." He said trying to look for excuses. "No, you're not." She said, done with his lying game. He sighs. "Okay fine, I've gotten ill ever since I came back from the war, as in I keep thinking about it." He feels a little relieved for getting it off his chest, but he's also ashamed of himself, he doesn't want her to see him as a freak. "Ill like how? And why didn't you tell me this sooner?" She asks and he struggles with his words. "Because.." He takes a long pause. "I didn't want to seem weak.." She smiles. "Weak? You survived a fucking war! How are you weak?!" He shrugs. "Shell shock isn't very manly." She looks at him serious face. "Does it look like I care?" He looks into her eyes. "Well no, but.." She cuts him off. "No buts! I think you're very manly." He smiles. "I just don't want others to know, alright?" She nods and hold out her pinkie. "A secret between us, alright?" He nods and looks at her pinkie not quite knowing what to do. "Come on! Promise!" She says. He looks confused. "How?" She takes his pinkie and wraps it around hers.

"I promise I will not tell anyone about your shell shock." He nods. "Okay, and what if you do tell anyone?" She looks at her finger. "You get to cut it off." He smirks. "Now you're speaking my language." He chuckles and she laughs with him. "But I need you to do something for me." He looks at her, raising a brow. "I need you, to pretend to be dating me whenever we're in town. Kissing my cheek or forehead is allowed, but on the lips isn't allowed." He nods, understanding what she wants. "You get to hold my hand and hug me but no sleeping together." Suddenly his understanding is gone. "What? But we're already doing that!" She shakes her head. "No, I meant sleep sleeping." He raises a brow. "N-Not uhh.." She clears her throat "Y'know.. Sex?" He jumps up. "Sex? You want to have sex with me?" She looks at him with wide eyes and her face starts to turn red. "W-Well.." She nervously laughs. He waits for an answer.

"I refuse to answer that." She says and he nods. "Well, I'm tired now." He says and she gets off of his bed. He lays down and taps his chest. She looks at him. "Me? On your chest?" He replies by nodding his head again. "Alright then." She takes the dress off, and takes her bra off, then puts her dress back on. He looks away as she's undressing. "I'm done." She says, holding her bra. "Bra." He replies, and she smiles. "Yes." She throws it at him, it lands on his head and he laughs. "I look like a fly." He takes it off and looks at the bra. "Woah, why is it so big?" Varity's face turns red after he said that. He places it back on his face. "It's warm as well." She takes it off of his face. "It's big because it needs to fit on my boobs, and it's warm because I've been wearing it all day." She drops it on the floor, he looks at her. "It's huge." He says and lays his head back down, his comments makes her turn redder. "A-Also I wasn't done with our deal!" She walks to him and lays on his chest.

"You're not allowed to tell anyone we're not dating, if you do I get to cut your finger off." He nods and places his hand on the back of her head. She tries to push herself up to get closer to his face. "Kiss!" He leans in and kisses her cheek. "Goodnight." She looks at him
And pushes herself back to where she laid before. "Goodnight." They both fall asleep after that. Darton dreams about his experience in the war, he mumbles stuff and then wakes up from a jump scare in his nightmare. He shoots up straight in his bed, and looks around panting, he looks at his nightstand and notices his pack of cigarettes. He's covered in cold sweat and Varity looks like she's sweating a lot as well. He reaches and tries to get one of the cigarettes, but then refuses to light one.

Varity wakes up from the heat and looks at Darton, he has a cigarette in his hand and he's shaking a lot. She gets up and hugs him from behind, she tries to take his shirt off. "Come on, take that off first." He looks at her with wide eyes. "W-What?" He takes his shirt off. "Pants as well?" She asks. He nods and takes his pants off as well. She gets up and makes him a cold wet towel, she then places it against his forehead. He then freaks out and screams. "AHH!" He shakes his head and looks at her. "W-W-Where am I? W-Why are you awake?" She remains calm although his scream startled her. "I woke up because it's hot, why are you awake?" His leg is shaking. "I had a nightmare." She looks at his unlit cigarette. "Is that why you're holding an unlit cigarette?" He shrugs. "Maybe.." It turns silent for a little bit. "Do you need to smoke?" She asks, he's staring in front of him. "I don't know.." she hands him a lighter.

He lights it, smokes for a little then a whining scream escaped his mouth and he instantly puts it out. "No." She sighs. "Get up." He does as he's told and gets up. "My mom used to do this when I had a nightmare." She walks to the window and looks outside. "If I ever was scared of the dentist dinosaur, that I once saw in a children's book. My mom would tell me to look outside, open the window and just take a deep breath." She opens the window and signs him to come. He walks to her and she out of nowhere pinches his arm. "OW!" He yelps and she looks at him. "Does that hurt?" He nods, confused by her actions. "That's how you know it's not a dream, you can't feel pain in your dreams." He nods. "Well, I know it's a nightmare, I keep getting them, but they terrify me.." She sighs. "Well, another option is, you need to look for me, when you wake up from one of those nightmare you look for me, because I'll always be here for you okay?" He nods his head rapidly.

"Will you always be there for me then?" She smiles and nods her head slowly, then places her hand on his cheek. He looks her deep in the eyes but she looks at his lips, then back at his eyes. Then places another hand on his cheek and slowly leans in. She gets very close to his lips, her breath can be felt on his lips. She then slightly kisses him, lips hardly touching and then immediately pulls away after that. "Whoops. That was not allowed." She walks back to the bed, he stares outside, blushing. Then follows her and gets in the bed. She lays on top of his chest and they both fall asleep again.

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