Chapter 23 [Across The Ocean]

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"My name is Alfred" She smiles and he sits down in front of them, it stays silent between the three, Varity then shoots up and looks outside. "The ocean! Wow!" She looks amazed and excited outside, Darton finds it cute to see her happy and excited. "You're so cute when you're happy." Darton says and Varity looks at him. "I've never seen the ocean! Only in paintings.. And in your eyes." He smiles, and Varity sits back down, he kisses her cheek. Alfred isn't a fan off all this couple stuff and sighs. "Mrs. Burton, can we talk business now?" He asks and Varity gets up and sits beside him, they're soft talking to each other about the plans. Darton only hears mumbling. "If you're planning on arresting me, good luck." He says, and Alfred looks confused at him. "What do you mean? You're just her husband, why would I arrest you?" He asks confused, Darton realises he doesn't know about his criminal background. "Never mind." He says. So the trip takes a while, and once they're done planning Varity sits back down next to Darton and falls asleep on his shoulder. Darton and Alfred just stay there, he doesn't like Alfred for how he's a little too close with Varity.

The train soon stops and Varity wakes up, the three get out and Varity looks unsure of something. "What's wrong?" Darton asks. "Do I look okay? Presentable? Or.. Am I too snobby? Do I look snobby?" She tries to fix her clothes and he stops her. "You look beautiful." He says and she nods. "Beautiful." The three then walk through the streets to the hotel, Alfred places his hands on Varity's shoulders and Darton dislikes every single bit of that. "Hey, she's mine, don't you dare fucking do anything." He ignored her and pushed her to the hotel. "No." Varity doesn't notice the two arguing, she's too busy looking around. Darton looks at the two, he's not following. Such a fancy hotel, he wonders how she was able to pay that. He watches the two leave. "Cheating whore!" He shouts and walks away, Varity didn't hear him, she's too busy looking around. He walks away to a bar, then feels shame, he realised they're not dating again. He goes to a bar and drinks his sorrow away. Varity is in her room, amazed by how beautiful it looks, she's happy to finally be out of her home. She places her stuff down and sits at the desk. Not much later she hears knocking on the door, she gets up and opens the door.

Darton is standing there, he walks past her inside. "Nice room, wonder how you were able to pay it." He says and looks around. "I didn't, my dad did." She explains and he nods his head. "Ah yes of course." He sits down on her bed. "Ah, lovely.. Hey what does Alfred mean to you?" He asks, and she laughs. "He's just here to help me get on my feet." He nods his head slowly. "Alright then.." She sits back down in her chair. "Well I need to continue my work." She says and writes things down, Darton just looks at her smiling, he enjoys watching her being busy with work. He then gets up and walks to the door. "I'm going into town." Varity nods and Darton leaves, he goes to the store and buys her a magnifying glass, it takes him quite long to find him such a thing. When he comes back he sees that the entire room is empty. A piece of chocolate cake is left on the desk, he walks to it and sees there's a note attached to the plate. He takes it and reads the note. 

"Hello Darton, I'm out visiting town, I bought this piece of cake for you, eat it if you like. Note to self, don't eat it, I swear don't eat it, you bought it for him... Aaah look at you, you ate a piece.." He looks at the cake, a tiny piece is missing, he smiles and chuckles to himself and then eats the cake. He decides to wrap the gift and wait until she comes back home, it takes a while for her to come back so he buys them some dinner. Varity then finally comes home, she's holding a bag. Darton looks at her, happy to see she's back. "Hey! I got something for you!" She says happily, Darton grabs her gift and holds it behind his back. "Really? Me too!" He says, they both stand in front of each other. "Well, while you're here I thought I'd buy you some study material, so you can still practice reading and writing while I'm gone then you can also try to do math." She takes the books out and places them on the table. 

"Then I also bought this for you." She takes out a small ticket from her pocket. "I thought we could, get some space?" He looks confused and sad at her. "W-What?" She hands it to Darton, he reads it and his heart calms down instantly. She bought a spot to watch the meteor rain and watch the stars, they even have a telescope. "Would you like to go there with me tomorrow?" She asks and he nods her head, he seems happy again. "Well, since you're a detective, I thought this would come in handy." He said and she talked through him. "Is it a new dress to match with my work? Ooh perhaps a necklace with our initials on it?" He feels a little ashamed of his gift. "Well no, but-" She cuts him off again. "Ooh is it a dress?" She asks and he hands her, her gift, she unwraps it and looks at it a little confused. "Oh..." She says, he frowns and feels ashamed of his gift. "I-I'm sorry I'll return it." He says and tries to take it from her. "No! Go away! It's mine now and I love it!" He smiles, feeling a bit better now. "Well, I'm glad that you.. Like it?" She looks at him, raising a brow. "Like it? I love it!" She jumps up and down from excitement. He smiles, feeling better about her complimenting his gift. 

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