Chapter 29 [Arrest]

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Varity wakes up and looks at Darton, he's hugging her tight, she has to do this now and end the family issues. She has to arrest him, then the issues would end. No more drama between the two families, no more commiting crimes every night, no one would have to fear Darton anymore. She thinks about how much she would be praised, not only by the Yan group but also by the normal people. It would only be better if she arrested him, but then again, why did she feel bad. She would be seen as a traitor, he would think the kiss meant nothing and he would probably never want to be near her again. Either she makes a hundred of people happy, but upset one. Or make one happy but upset hundreds. She gets up, grabs some rope from the first arrest she made. She holds it tight and decides to wake him up. "Darton? Wake up! I need to show you something!" She says and he slowly begins to wake up. "H-Huh? Sure? What is it?" He still is a little tired, but gets up anyways, she points at the desk. "Can you read that note that's on the desk?" He nods and slowly moves to the desk, he rubs his eyes again and looks at the piece of paper.

"Y-You.." He reads and tries to read the next words, Varity stands behind him, then pushes him down onto the desk. Darton grunts and is quite confused by what she's doing. She quickly ties him up and he gets up and obviously tries to defend himself, he pushes her by flinging himself at her. They both fall and Darton sits on top of Varity. "What are you trying to do? Arrest me?" She turns silent, Darton realises she was genuinely trying to. "You were trying to arrest me..?" She slowly nods her head and he suddenly looks sad. "Why? What did I do to you? Who told you to do this?" She sighs. "I met up with the Yan group yesterday, they showed and told me everything, I promised that I would get you arrested." He looks at her, it's not her fault it's that group's fault. "Alright fine, arrest me if you can." He gets up and Varity tries her best to get Darton down, but yet he wins the fight. "Varity, you really don't have to do this." He says and she continues trying to get her down. "No! I want people to be proud in me." He sighs. "Fine we think of a plan." Varity stops trying to push him down. 

"Alright, sit down on the bed and explain me the plan." He sits down on the bed and quickly tries to think of something to avoid him getting arrested. "Well, uhm.." Varity sits down in the chair in front of him. "Continue speaking." She signs him and he suddenly comes up with something, his face lights up and a small smirk appears. "Alright, this is how we do it, you fake arrest me, bring me to the train station and say I will be seeing your dad there, to talk to him since it was a request from him, we both go home, since it's our last day anyways, they believe you got me so they will have something to celebrate, once home we go to your home, you write a report pretending to be your dad, send it up, say they aren't allowed to reply to the message, I will send my friends undercover to that place and they'll end that group once and for all and we will both win." Darton explains, Varity is silent for a bit. 

"Alright, that's a plan." She says, Darton's face smiles brightly, he's relieved she thought his plan was good. "Can we eat breakfast first though?" He asks and Varity nods her head. "Yes of course." She unties him, they dress up and go downstairs to the cafetaria to eat breakfast. Once they're done they go back to their room, she ties him up again. "Is that too tight?" She asks and he shakes his head. "No it's fine, in fact, tie it a little tighter. I like it rough." He smirks, she blushes. She takes him outside, the people instantly notice what is going on and everyone takes a look and whispers to each other, the plan is in action and it seems to be working so far. She takes him away to the the centre of the city, where she got everyone's attention. "I got mr. Dolsey here, he will go with me back to the city he came from, to my house. He was invited to have a talk with my dad, after that, he will be gone forever." She says and everyone cheers. 

She walks him to the train station and everyone there lets her go through, because what she just did was incredible, catch a dangerous criminal and make sure everyone is safe, Darton lowers his head in shame, he is quite the great actor, Varity gets a lot of 'thank you' and cheering. They get in a train, alone, so that no one can sabotage the train ride of the way back to the city. "Are you going to untie me now or?" He asks and she shakes her head. "It's going to look weird when I come there and I have to tie you up again, sorry." He shrugs. "It's okay." She looks outside again and Darton looks at her, seeing a smile on her face as they go past the ocean again. A tiny smile forms on his face from seeing her smile. "Varity." He starts and Varity looks at him, having her attention makes him a little nervous. "Do you.. Like me?" Her face turns a little pink from that question. "Like, do you feel like you want to kiss me more often, or want to marry me one day?" His heart is beating fast as he asks that question. 

"You're asking me... If I love you? Is that it?" She asks, and he nods his head quickly, he wants a clear reply and a quick one. She smiles and looks at him in the eyes. "Yes, I do love you." She says, he jumps up from excitement and continues jumping. "YES! YES! FINALLY! OH MY SWEET LORD THANK YOU!" Varity has never seen him that happy, she laughs at his excitement, he goes to her and kisses her without hesitation. He goes down onto his knees. "God, I'd hold your hand right now but I'm tied up so I'm just going to ask you the question I've been wanting to ask for so long." He says and Varity looks down at him, smiling uncontrollably. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks, and Varity once again says yes. He smiles and sits next to her. "It's official now, wow, after all those days, of pretending to be together, we're finally together!" The entire train ride is them being happy that they're finally together, and celebrate it by telling stories about how they felt while having to pretend to be together. 

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