Chapter 38 [The Ceremony]

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Darton made Varity look at him, she tried her best to wipe her tears but they kept coming back, Darton wiped them for her. "Now, why are you crying?" He asks and Varity calms down and stops crying. "I am just so worried, I don't want to marry him, I want to marry you! Please tell me the plan will work!" She says placing her hand on his, praying for him that his plan will work. "It sounds like you're doubting me, do you doubt my plan will work? Even though I haven't told you anything about it?" He says, trying to cheer her up. She's sniffing, trying her best to not continue crying. "Don't doubt me, my dear, we will marry." He kisses her cheek and she smiles. "Will it calm your nerves if I tell you that the plan is already in action?" Varity smiles, this did calm her down. "It is? Oh wow, I didn't even recognise." She says and laughs, Darton is happy that he made her laugh again. "Come now, let me do your makeup." Varity is surprised by this. "You know how to do makeup?" Varity asks and Darton nods. "Yes, I had a little sister." 

Varity didn't know this, she's quite shocked and now knows how Darton felt when he suddenly found out that she has a brother. "You have a little sister?" She asks for confirmation and Darton shakes his head. "Had, she died due to a sickness." Varity then feels bad for him. "Oh, I'm sorry." He smiles. "Don't worry, I'm sure she would find you a beautiful princess and I think she would be happy to hear that you will be my beautiful princess soon." He starts doing her makeup, the brush slightly tickles her face which makes her giggle. "Stop for a moment, it tickles." She laughs and Darton smiles. He brushes over her hand with the makeup brush, the giggles and pulls her hand away. "Stop!" She laughs, grabs the brush and brushes it over Darton's face, a small stripe of glitter appears onto his face, he tries to wipe it off and laughs. They play with the brushes for a moment and once Darton finished doing her makeup he shows it to Varity, she looks in the mirror and smiles. "Wow, you really are good at this! I'm amazed!" She says and tries to look at her makeup in every angle, moving her head side to side. 

They hear a knock on the door and a voice soon is heard after the knocks. "Mr. Dolsey? We got some information." It's Oliver's voice, he quickly grabs a pen and a notebook off of Varity's desk, she just looks at Darton as he sprints out of the room. She's happy he wants to do this for her. They go to the library as Varity stays in her room. "Alright, so first thing is I heard two things about this man, he used to steal from ladies, and touch them and blame it on someone else." Oliver says and Darton writes the two things down, then the other continues. "I heard that Roderique is very rude to women, body shaming them, hitting them, laughing at when they want to work." Lewis says and Darton writes it down. "I think that's enough." Darton says and points at Oliver. "You will say that he stole from ladies." Then he points at Lewis. "You will say that he would touch them without consent and then blame it on others." As third he points at Vick. "You will say that he is rude to women." And as last he points at Peter. "You will say that he body shamed them." Peter is a little unsure but still wants to help, so he nods his head. 

"And Vick, you will finish it by saying that he laughs at women who want to work. I have my own thing to say, now all you guys will have to do is, just enjoy the wedding, have fun!" He says and leaves. He walks past Varity's room and goes downstairs. He goes to her father who's quite nervous for the wedding, he explains his plan to Divanno and he fully agrees with the plan. "Alright, I will say something as well." Divanno says and a smile appears on Darton's face, he walks to Nicholas. "Hey." Darton says and gets his attention. "I need you to do a favour for me." Darton says and explains the plan to Nicholas as well. Nicholas is a little unsure about the plan. "I don't know if I can help, I'll see, but you will owe me one." Darton nods his head and goes back to Varity. "The plan is going to be a success, even your family wants to participate in the plan!" A big smile appears on Varity's face. She jumps up and hugs Darton, they hug for a while and they then pull away from the hug. "Alright well, I'll see you downstairs at the wedding." He says and leaves. 

The guests start arriving and go to their places, Darton and their friends sit next to each other. They look around the wedding like they own the place. Soon the ceremony began, everyone was sitting in their chairs, finally, Darton gets to see this prick named Roderique, he seemed to be happy but Darton was death glaring at him. Roderique didn't notice it though. Then finally, after a while, the bride showed up. Darton looks at her, he wishes he could see her for the very first time on that stage, yet he had to see her from a chair, watching her walk to another man, he was quite sad at this sight, yet he didn't give up, he has a plan and she fully trusts him with that plan. Varity walks to the stage and they both stand there, a long speech was hold and Darton got quite bored by the wedding he doesn't want to see happening. Then finally, they ask if there are any rejections and Darton stands up. 

"Yeah! I do! I just wanted everyone to know that I am Varity's boyfriend and this man tries to steal her from me, she doesn't want to be with me and yet forced this wedding on her and her family!" Roderique looks at Darton with pure rage in his eyes. Then, Oliver stands up. "May I add that I have heard by people that he steals from women?" The crowd gasps and then Lewis stands up. "And he touches women without consent! Then blames it on others, do you really want this girl to marry a rapist?" The crowd starts whispering and mumbling and Roderique tries to speak but Vick stands up right after Lewis. "Might I add that this man is very rude to ladies? Cursing at them?" Now it was Peter's turn, Vick looks at Peter and Peter then stands up, he tries to speak but his throat blocks the words, he closes his eyes and shouts. "THIS MAN BODY SHAMES WOMEN! HE'S AWFUL!" Then blushes, he is ashamed that he shout so loud. Roderique laughs. "Cute, is that all because I'd like to continue a wedding." He hold's Varity's hand quite tight. Then Divanno stands up. "This man forced the marriage on my daughter, I never wanted this but he forced it!" 

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